Monday, November 21, 2011

You Go Right Ahead And Waste Their Lives, Chief

Over the weekend I came across this Clone Wars Star Wars cartoon that's been going for awhile. The episodes I saw were about a bunch of Clonetroopers who find themselves serving under one of those typical jerk commanding officers you see in war flicks. The one who throws his men's lives away in ill-advised strategies?

In this case, the Jedi wasn't getting them slaughtered out of incompetence, but because a) he was planning to defect, and thought causing the Republic to lose this battle would look good on the resume he was going to send to Dooku, and b) I think he was a little, hmm, what would be the equivalent of "racist" when referring to someone who hates clones and regards them as inferior? At any rate, he had issues with the existence of clones.

I'm a sucker for films about soldiers trying to do their best under hateful or stupid commanding officers, so the story worked. . . until I remembered the clones are the instrument used to wipe out the Jedi. Not just the actual, accomplished Jedi, the little kid that hadn't even started training with lightsabers yet. I'm supposed to feel bad a group of those guys are getting wiped out by their evil commander?

I suppose there's always a chance these clones might refuse to turn on the Jedis, form the backbone of the early Rebel Alliance, but I don't know. These guys had been serving under Anakin, and near as I could tell, they thought he was a good boss. So they'd probably follow his lead, which brings us back around to the kid slaughtering.

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