Thursday, August 02, 2012

Apologies For The Absence

I'd like to blame it on work, and that is sort of the cause. I simply couldn't get to the Internet on Monday, and that kind of settled that. On the other hand, I was running low on ideas, so I might not have had anything for the next couple days, anyway.

I'm back now, though, but I'm going to ease into it by touching on some things related to past posts.

- I asked once before if anyone wore their watch on their dominant arm, since I've been told it's strange I do. I had two more people tell me last week they'd never see that before. Add them to the list.

- From the Department of Failures in Reading Comprehension, we step back to Batman Beyond Unlimited. I said that while I thought the bit with killing Vixen to get John Stewart and Shayera together was a poor decision, I was curious to see what it was that caused the Guardians to rescend their ban on Earth and hand out another ring. Then I reread the story and the least line the blue twit has says they'll keep an eye out for an Earthling who has achieved unity of mind, body, and soul. Which answers that question, I guess. It doesn't kill my interest in seeing how the kid got the ring, but it takes out its kneecaps with a shotgun (what I call a "GrimJack Special").

- From the Department of "I Flipped the Switch, but the Bulb Blew", I watched Duck You Sucker with the commentary on. While there were interesting bits, it didn't help to explain the slow motion ending with James Coburn, his Irish buddy, and their mutual lady friend. Well, it didn't convince me my theory about the lady being metaphorical is off-base, but that didn't come as any surprise. It does seem to be expected there was some level of a love triangle between the three of them, though one guy suggested there was a lot of jealousy on John's part towards his friend. He even suggested John informed on his buddy to the Brits, then killed him when they did not, which I don't think the film supports. John sees too many parallels between Dr. Viegga and Sean, and nobody ratted out the doctor. He was tortured, he talked, other people died. It's the fact John killed his best friend for that act which haunts him, and is why he gives the doctor a chance to either redeem himself, or prove he's a coward, depending on how you look at it. One fellow did use the phrase menage a trois, though I wonder if he means it the way I think he does. That would explain at least part of why killing Sean hit him so hard, but I don't know.

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