Friday, July 27, 2018

October Brings a Scary Number of Books I'm Not Interested In.

I thought the October solicitations would be out last week, but instead that was all about Comic-Con, and much more distant, vague declarations about things we're supposed to be excited about. To be fair, I am kind of excited about that M. Night Shaymalan movie, Glass, so that's something. I probably need to watch Split at some point, though.

Anyway, comics being released in October! Marvel is throwing the damn kitchen sink at us. Or maybe just the garbage disposal. A whole series of one-shots about X-Men villains, a bunch of What-Ifs, more mini-series tie-ins to Infinity Wars, Spider-Geddon tie-in mini-series. I might try that Spider-Girls one, Mayday Parker's going to be in it. Take what I can get. And the What-Ifs, while not interesting to me, seem like they're trying to break out of that mold of, "What If this recent Marvel event went differently?" they'd been stuck in the last 10 years. Took me five minutes to scroll past all on CBR's page just to reach the monthly books, of which there still aren't many that catch my eye. Multiple Man is wrapping up, Ms. Marvel is still dealing with Shocker, Squirrel Girl might be dead. Gang Hyuk Lim did the cover for Domino, and I think it's worse than Greg Land's. I think he's trying to ape Land's style, and that was not a good plan.

It's still a better scene than DC, where there continues to be nothing that catches my eye. I did notice that it looks as though there's going to be an event spanning multiple books spinning out of stuff happening in Aquaman, which probably hasn't happened in quite some time. I was confused, then I remembered the movie coming out this fall, I think, and it fell into place. Like Marvel doing a Black Panther vs. Deadpool mini-series to try and capitalize on two big successful movies starring their properties. Hey, at least DC is getting theirs out in time with the movie, rather than 6 months after the fact!

Outside those two publishers, not too much that's new that caught my eye. Giant Days is still going, Stellar, Coda, The Seeds. There's a book from Image, Infinite Dark, it sounded kind of cool. A station housing the last of humanity as it waits and hopes for another universe to be born. It'll probably turn into just another murder mystery, but there's always the possibility it could do something more.

There are a few things from some other the smaller publishers that might be worth looking into. A mini-series called Transdimensional. It'll be on its second issue by October. I can't tell if each issue is its own thing with some overarching theme, or if there's characters or a MacGuffin that ties things together. Or Ogre, about a creature living in a dungeon with the ghost of a corpse it's chained to. Might be worth looking into. It isn't as though my buying list is overloaded at the moment.


SallyP said...

Well this does sound depressing. I can't believe someone is actually copying Greg Land, who as far as I can tell, simply traces from porn mags.

CalvinPitt said...

It's all I can figure, because it does not look a thing like his work on that Darkhawk mini-series. Unless Marvel screwed up the solicitations.