Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday Splash Page #70

"That's Why You Don't Flush Pet Bats Down the Toilet", in Batgirl (vol. 2) #11, by Bryan Q. Miller (writer), Lee Garbett (penciler), Pere Perez (penciler/inker), Walden Wong (inker), Guy Major (colorist), Travis Lanham (letterer)

After some stuff involving Batman dying (in either Final Crisis of Batman R.I.P., I can't remember which), Cassandra abruptly stopped being Batgirl, and Stephanie (no longer dead) took up the title.

The first year of the book is Steph (and Miller) trying to address the doubters and critics. Oracle tries to stop Stephanie from running around in Cass' gear, before relenting and giving her a new costume. 

(The costume does have an entirely unnecessary pouch thing around one leg, but otherwise I didn't mind it. It maintains at least a bit of the eggplant color from her Spoiler outfit, and is distinct from Cass or Barbara's costumes.)

There's a team-up with a skeptical Dick Grayson Batman and Damian Wayne Robin. Damian in particular is a little shit, because that's the only setting he has. Then the Calculator pops up, wanting revenge on Oracle because she took away his daughter (keeping in mind he was somehow responsible for the giant mutated dog that killed his son in Teen Titans, but sure, Oracle's to blame). Which gave Steph the chance to prove herself fighting mind-controlled versions of a bunch of the other vigilantes in Gotham. That old saw.

The second year of the the book (which we'll get to next week) is a lot stronger because Miller seems past the point of trying to justify the situation, and is just telling largely amusing stories.

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