The next item they need for their plan to rob the Guild's coffers is yet another painting, by the same man as the one Felicia stole in issue 1. The last known location was Madripoor, where one owner lost it in a game. To a man called Patch. After a lot of questioning, Felicia finds Patch's old hideout, but someone else already stole his stuff. Some kid that was part of a rebooted Hellfire Club? I dunno. I didn't read Jason Aaron's X-Men stuff.
Logan, sorry, Patch, shows up, and agrees to team-up with Felicia to get all his stuff back. Felicia causes enough problem's in the kid's casino they get a face-to-face, which lets Felicia steal one thing from him as they escape, and send the kid into a panic. I assume Felicia's guys, Doc and Bruno, will pose as the helpful moving company next issue to get all the stuff. What? I've seen that maneuver at least four times on Burn Notice.
This month, it's Kris Anka on the art duties. So is the book just going to change artists every issue now? Felicia looks very classy, although I don't like how Anka draws her mask as two "C"s. The fact they don't form a couple ellipse or oval really bugs me for some reason. Also, Logan looks classy, like surprisingly so. Like he trimmed the sideburns and cleaned up a bit before he came to Madripoor. Does Krakoa have some sort of hygiene rule they're strictly enforcing now?
It's weird, because most of Logan's reactions seem muted, except for one panel where he asks the kid if he wants to go to war. Then he was yelling like the Logan I'm accustomed to. The rest of the time he just looks kind of. . . slightly miffed. Like some rich guy that just crashed one of his 37 sports cars. Is this a thing now, too? Logan doing eyebrow raises more appropriate for Namor? The art is very expressive, don't get me wrong, it's just a lot of expressions that seem wrong for the character. Very little teeth-clenching or snarling.
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