Calvin: *setting the table* Huh? What quarantine? Are you sick?
Clever Adolescent Panda: *pulling food from the oven* No. We developed a vaccine two months ago. It only works on pandas and canines so far, though.
Calvin: Did you take it?
CAP: Of course I did!
Deadpool: *sprawled on the couch* [I read a research article that says vaccines make pandas go bald.]
CAP: I'm not sure what's the least credible part of that statement:
Calvin: The part about Wade reading a research article.
Deadpool: [Advances in science mean new ways to kill people!]
Pollock: He's right, you know. Murder is the primary driver of most scientific research.
Deadpool: *nodding sagely* [It's why Tony Stark was a weapons dealer.]
Calvin: I thought that was because he was an amoral asshole.
Deadpool: [Only at first! They say when he got that shrapnel in his chest, his heart grew three sizes that day!]
Pollock: Sounds like a combination of infection and scarring.
CAP: Are you going to wear that the entire meal? You look like a member of AIM.
*Pollock is once again wearing a bulky yellow hazmat suit.*
Pollock: Of course! I'm not risking infection from you cretins.
CAP: But I'm vaccinated.
Deadpool: [My healing factor's taking care of it.]
Calvin: I'm antisocial.
Cassanee: Ditto.
Pollock: I offered you a suit of your own.
Cassanee: *shrugs* Haven't been around anyone other than you for weeks. Should be fine.
Calvin: So how are we violating quarantine?
CAP: Oh.
Pollock: Look, I just don't want any of you puncturing my suit to be mean.
Cassanee: OK.
CAP: Yeah, we aren't jerks!
Calvin: We didn't even cut you out of your suit last time until you were about to suffocate!
Pollock: True, but then you shot me with a bazooka pie and launched me over the deck.
CAP: Good thing you had all those safety measures in there.
Calvin: Where did you land, anyway?
Pollock: *flatly* Indiana.
Deadpool: [Horrifying.]
CAP: Food's on!
Calvin: Let's see, Wade brought taquitos and beer, I made hash, Cass brought some rolls and stuffing, the panda is deliberately pissing me off bringing steamed cauliflower -
CAP: I didn't bring beets, though!
Calvin: I would have thrown you over the balcony if you had.
CAP: You wouldn't do that.
Calvin: Of course not. I'd herniate myself.
Pollock: It would be amusing to see you try, though.
Calvin: Be amusing to see you try and eat inside that get-up.
Pollock: I'm prepared for that.
*A panel opens in the chest of the suit, revealing a compartment. Pollock places the plate inside, and closes the cover.*
CAP: But it was exposed to outside air.
Pollock: The food is bathed in intense UV light before the back panel opens and - unf - I can simply - curses, my hands are stuck in gloves - simply bring the plate the rest of the way - damn it!
*The plate tips and spills food over the interior of her suit.*
CAP: *insincerely* Oh, that's a shame.
Cass: Wasted two rolls and three taquitos.
Deadpool: [They aren't wasted, it's a clean environment in there!]
Calvin: She's sweating like Ace Ventura when he was inside the mechanical rhinoceros.
CAP: Ew.
Pollock: *sighs* Hold on. *Shuffles awkwardly into the bathroom. Re-emerges minus the beekeeper suit.* I'll just have to keep self-quarantining once I get home.
Pollock: So where is the girl with the strange powers?
Calvin: Don't know. Rhodez hasn't contacted me in months. Last time I did talk to her, she seemed bummed out. You heard anything from your apprentice, Wade?
Deadpool: *slurping pasta* [Nope! Not a peep! She must be busy successfully applying my lessons as a hitman!]
Calvin: You think she would at least call me to brag, if that was the case. Or at least offer me a discount rate to kill some people. I got a long list.
CAP: I should go visit. Maybe I can cheer her up.
Deadpool: [I'll go, too! It'll be a chance to test her progress, just like a proper teacher should. With grenades, and tripwires.]
CAP: That doesn't sound very cheerful.
Deadpool: [It will be. For me.]
Calvin: Hey Pollock, how's business in the pandemic? You aren't peddling fake vaccines are you?
Pollock: Certainly not! I'm no charlatan!
Cass: Vitamins disguised as food.
CAP: Huh?
Pollock: Faux-Food. It gives you all the vitamins and minerals you need, but there's no excess protein or matter,
Cass: Or taste.
Pollock: -or matter, so you don't release waste. You're immune to toilet paper shortages.
Calvin: That's less cruel and exploitative than I expected.
CAP: Yeah, kind of weak.
Pollock: It's not supposed to be either of those things! I have scruples!
Deadpool: [Pass 'em this way, I love those, especially with barbecue sauce.]
Pollock: *hesitantly* Right. Perhaps we could move on to giving thanks?
Deadpool: [Being a king sucks, Elsa betrayed me before I ever had the chance to actually love her, and the X-Men are hoarding their cancer cure, so I am thankful for. . . Jeff. Such a good little shark. And all of you.] *hugs each of them for much too long*
Calvin: Shouldn't you have returned Jeff to Gwen during your visit to Krakoa?
Deadpool: [Pfft, like Hickman paid any attention to that last mini-series.]
CAP: He's got ya there. I'm thankful that all my friends are safe and happy -
Pollock: I'm not happy.
Deadpool: [Me neither.]
Cass: I am.
Calvin: I'm not miserable, which is to say I'm in my default state.
CAP: *louder* - safe and that one of them is happy, that I got to shoot Pollock with the pie bazooka, and that I got to punch a necromancer in the face!
Calvin: What was the necromancer doing?
Deadpool: [Was he trying to fix America by resurrecting the presidents, only to learn they're all super-racist?]
CAP: No, she was trying to resurrect dinosaurs for her own theme park. But they'd been dead so long, they were just animated skeletons.
Deadpool: [You deprived us of skeleton dinosaurs? You monster!] *leaps at the panda, is promptly picked up and tossed across the room*
CAP: The skeletons decayed after a couple of minutes. She was just making life worse for paleontologists.
Cass: The raccoons are being friendly with my town. They're good at electrical work. No sign of Amilgars. My friends are all being careful.
Pollock: None of you destroyed any of my projects. I only had to fire three employees for stupidly going out in social situations without taking precautions.
CAP: They posted pictures on social media?
Pollock: I spy on them with little drones. Also, I encourage them to snitch on each other.
Calvin: Now when you say fire - ?
Pollock: They don't work for me any longer. I gave them tough, but honest references. I can't have them infecting the rest of my staff.
Deadpool: [Tough, but fair. You interested in ruling Monster Island?]
Pollock: I prefer to manipulate from behind the scenes.
CAP: Since when? You're always front and center with the threats and the weapons.
Pollock: That's for dealing with you simpletons. Some opponents require a deft touch.
Deadpool: [I appreciate a deft touch.]
Pollock: Ignoring that. Dolt?
CAP: Calvin?
Calvin: Hmm?
Cass: She meant you.
Calvin: Why would I answer to "dolt"?
Pollock: Fine. Ignoramus?
Calvin: That's better. Well, Wade's is going to be hard to beat from a negativity standpoint. Working from home has been better than I expected. I've done a lot of writing. The hailstorm only damaged my windshield.
CAP: Don't give thanks for that!
Calvin: Why not? The hailstorm was beyond my control, so I might as well be glad it didn't do more than it did. Where was I? Nobody I care about got sick. I'm still employed, able to help out friends in need. Some of the pieces I did for Sketchtober turned out well.
CAP: That was. . . surprisingly heartfelt.
Pollock: Certainly a step up from your usual effort.
CAP: Are you dying? Is that why you're kinder and more reflective?
Calvin: Kinder and more reflective? I threatened to throw you over the balcony.
CAP: Only if I'd brought beets. I grade on a curve for you.
Good to hear you're keeping well in these weird times.
I'm trying. 'Bout all I can do at the moment. Hope things are going OK for you and yours, too.
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