Monday, September 18, 2023

What I Bought 9/13/2023 - Part 2

A nice, quiet weekend ahead of a week spent on the road. Possibly the last quiet weekend for the next month, though. Several impending engagements with friends and family, plus I'd still like to do that longer day trip I had planned at some point before the weather turns.

Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #3, by Ann Nocenti (writer), Paolo Villanelli (artist), Java Tartaglia (color artist), Ariana Maher (letterer) - Uh-oh, Carol's caught by the Fructose Bands of Life Savers.

Carol finds her way out of wherever Nada put her with the help of. . .I'm not sure what. Villanelli draws it as having a thin, shale-like outer layer, with a dark interior, save for a purple ring/eye/circle. Carol initially takes it as a threat, but changes her mind and it lets her fly out the eye to appear back in space.

Nada, meanwhile, is waiting on the other Earthfolk to decide to take her offer or not. There's some bickering, but two of the teenagers and the journalist are down. The teens' sister, Zen, reluctantly decides to stick with her brothers, and Blake's robot concludes Blake needs power too, because the bot can't protect him on an alien planet. I like that part, that the A.I. grew and responded outside of Blake's expectations or commands, even as it's still limited by them to try and protect its creator.

By the time Captain Marvel finds them, they're killing some of the local wildlife, for reasons that aren't apparent. Seems like a generic strength, speed, energy blast power set. They have different glowing yellow symbols on their faces, but I'm not sure what they mean. Remind me of a schematic for a circuit path of something. Like in Terminator 2, when Arnold's systems reroute from his back-up power source and there's a little red-and-black diagram? Kinda like that, but with yellow-orange.

Anyway, not sure how they got that from Nitro exploding while covered with Nada's weird purple goo-stuff. Probably doesn't matter. The key seems to be they have power and (theoretically) control, but what are they gonna do with it? The journalist, Keziah, said she would be happy to get power if it helped her communicate with these alien lifeforms. Instead she's killing those lifeforms? Was it self-defense? Did she try to communicate? Did she even get that power in the grab-bag?

Nitro also seems to be having doubts about his parent. Nada's a little too glib, comparing the whole thing to high school and them just needing to look "cool" to sell the Earthlings on her deal. Too confident she can outflank Captain Marvel again if need be. Although she does, in fact, outflank Carol again by the end of this issue. Fake it until you make it, I guess.

There's also a couple of pages spent on Spider-Woman and Carol's other pals trying to get a spaceship up and running to go help, but that's getting nowhere fast. Hopefully that thread will come to some sort of point before too long, because there's only two issues left.

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