Yesterday marked the end of year 19 here at Reporting on Marvels and Legends. No major disasters or disruptions again this year, which is a pleasant trend I'd be fine having continue. I didn't end up switching TPB/GN/manga review day from Monday to Wednesday like I considered, so the general schedule remained the same.
I don't know if that'll continue into this year. If the local comic store is going under I probably won't be picking up new books until the weekend most weeks, assuming there's anything to get. If new comic reviews start landing heavily on Mondays and Wednesdays, I may feel the need to shift features around.
Or maybe not. This groove - don't call it a rut! - is awfully comfortable.
The total number of new comics keeps going down, which has meant more reviews of graphic novels and manga. We actually finished the stuff I bought in 2023 two months ago. Random Back Issues, however, stayed about the same as the last two years (the progression has been 21-23-22.) Guess I've been getting just enough books to cover Fridays, but not much more than that.
Saturday Splash Page didn't make a lot of progress through the alphabet, starting with Swords of Texas, and just reaching Slumber last weekend. At least I got a little further along than I figured I would. Sunday Splash Page did a little better. Legend of the Shield to Master of Kung Fu (Secret Wars edition.) Actually finished the "L"s! Next year should be more productive, as I expect to get somewhere around Patsy Walker: Hellcat on Sunday Splash Page and to reach something Rocketeer related in Saturday Splash Page.
Some day the two Splash Page series will meet, but not in the next year.
One thing I've been looking at from time to time is which posts end up getting a lot of views. My best guess on why was I used some phrase that caused a search algorithm to lock on. That's the only way I can explain this year's Blogsgiving getting over 3 times as many views in a 4-hour span as any other post has this year. I figure the same is true for my review of The Gods Must Be Crazy, Star Power volume 4, and Apparently Disillusioned Adventurers will Save the World (#1 posts of August, April, and November, respectively.) I used some notable or popular phrase, and the bots flocked to them.
I'm less sure what's going on when it's one of the Splash Page posts. Why was Legion Lost so much popular than Legionnaires? How the heck did the post on Sub-Mariner beat out the one on a Suicide Squad comic with a predominantly movie-themed cast? For that matter, why did the Gods Must Be Crazy sequel get 1/4th as many views? Do search engines hate Roman numerals? All mysteries with answers lost to time, or lost to my laziness in pursuing them any further. But it sounds better the first way.
That's all I've really got for this post. Thanks for sticking around and watching me dump my brain out on the internet for almost two decades!
Great stuff! Congratulations and here's to another 19 years!
Blogs are becoming historical documents, I suppose. That's a bit weird, as they still feel like new tech to me.
Thanks! I don't think of blogs as new any longer, but that's because there were already so many people with blogs by the time I started, I figured I was behind the curve. Which is normal for me, anyway, so no big surprise there.
Congrats on another year - long may you continue!
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