You know Barry Allen, the second Flash, he who dies during the Crisis on the Infinite Earths? And you know about the Speed Force, that weird extradimensional energy that Wally and Bart and some of the other speedsters can tap into, propelling them to ever more ludicrous speeds (they've gone . . . plaid!)? Well, what if I told you they were one and the same?

See, here we got Barry's famous death scene from CotIE. He's forced the energy within the Anti-Monitor's cannon back in on itself, causing it to go boom, but his own energy has been drawn from him by the cannon. Well, we know the Speed Force is extradimensional and that it exists outside time (Apparently this has been stated some place. I'm just going by what Larry told me). Therefore the explosion of the cannon in the anti-matter universe might have dispersed Barry's energy throughout the DC Universe in both space and time.
Just something that seemed interesting to me. I'd really like to see what would happen if DC heard about this and decided to put that out their as the actual origin of the Speed Force. Probably a huge outcry from the fans. But I can't say it's any worse science than a lot of what's in comics.
In the very Kick Ass Flash novel Stop Motion. The Speed force just turns out to be a dimension made up of energy just beyond the speed of light. It dosn't have any real special properties just when you go there the pleasure centers of your brain fire and you never want to leave.
But thats probably not in continuity.
I don't read Flash, but I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that this is more or less the case, that Barry has become one with the Speed Force, and in fact became the lightning bolt that gave him his powers in the first place.
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