In the Inferno storyline, Limbo starts bleeding into the Earth plane. Demons walk the Earth. Where was Doctor Strange?
Nate Summers (Cable) was going to be a sacrifice to permanently merge Limbo and Earth. This seems to give him some sort of mystical connection, why has that never been explored in all the hundreds of books dealing with Cable?
Why do all the X-Men (except Shadowcat) just seem to accept Emma Frost as co-leader of the Institute?
Why would Scott Summers start cheating on Jean with Emma, other than because God of All Comics, Grant Morrison, decided he should? Hell, I don't even like Cyclops, but I respect him enough to know that infidelity isn't his style, other than that time with Psylocke, which was purely physical, and they never actually did anything.
Did Joe Casey leave Uncanny X-Men because he couldn't handle being second fiddle to Morrison's X-Men?
Was the Spider-Man versus Firelord story (Amazing Spider-Man 269-270) a good story or not?
Would it be a good idea to make all of Marvel's 'Malice' characters the same? So instead of Sue Richards developing an alternate personality called Malice from the manipulations of Psycho-Man, it was the result of the same Malice that possessed Polaris.
Was Doctor Strangefate of the Amalgam Universe the most powerful hero of all time?
Why is Wolverine, a character with 12-inch blades that cut anything jutting from his hands, a hero? Shouldn't he be a villain?
Could Doctor Strange beat Zatanna (Clearly this was a Doctor Strange kind of day)?
How funny would it be if Dr. Fate's helmet landed on the kid that picked up the Blue Beetle scarab?
Exactly what kind of lighting is necessary for Tim Sale's art to look good (Prompted by complaints about a Batman figure meant to mimic Sale's art in Batman: The Long Halloween)?
Why hasn't Cable at least offered Wolverine a job in his group, as his personal assassin?
When is Thor coming back?
Why can't Iron Fist join Luke Cage on the New Avengers?
How does the yellow sun reacting with his Kryptonian physiology give Superman four different kinds of super-vision?
At what point did the German word 'uber', which frequently means 'about' (though it can also mean 'above' or 'over') become American slang for, well whatever the hell it means in slang?
Is the word "forte" supposed to be pronounced with the 'e' or not? Hey, we're a highly educational bunch here at Marvels and Legends.
If you have answers to any of these, or just general feedback, well you know how to comment. I'd appreciate any insight you can bring.

And that time with Psylocke, I believe she was influencing his mind or something like that. Which I was really angry about at the time, because to me, that equals rape and it didn't seem like a damn person ever really called her on anything but "seducing another woman's man".
But I might be misremembering, that was a while ago.
In a similar vein to your first Doctor Strange question...
"Why, if the Spectre is going around killing the DCU's magicians, has he not gone after Zatanna, Raven or John Bloody Constantine yet?"
Umm because they'd all be to easy.
Zatanna would go down because she needs to speak and the spectre could just remove her mouth with a thought.
Ravens mind has always been on edge, Spectre can just give her a heap-o-dellusions to nudge her over.
John? Are you serious? John vs. Spectre? Thats a one round KO.
He went to the Grove in DOV because it had hundreds of users he could get at. The he went for the next strongest like Phatom Stranger, Dr. Fate (who with nabu in the helm is emensly more powerful then Zatanna), and then he went on to Atlantis with it's huge population of socerrors.
I don't know Mallet. Supposedly in that Day of Vengance one-shot that came out last week, Dr. Fate was very happy to see Zatanna. I mean she seems like she can basically do anything, just by saying it backwards. It's not a matter of a limit on her power, but a limit of her ability to express what she wants clearly.
I believe that the Nate Summers mystical connection would only serve to further confuse a character that is already tied down by the balls with all sorts of weirdo contifusity.
John? Are you serious? John vs. Spectre? Thats a one round KO.
For who?
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