Saturday, September 05, 2009

I Am Not Surprised By This Turn Of Events

So I walk to the mailbox today, a little before 11. Joyous day, there's a piece of paper telling me there's a package awaiting me at the post office! It must be my comics from the last two Wednesdays! Hurrah! I hustle back here, hop in my ride, burn rubber to the post office. Except, well, it's closed. In the podunk town I currently reside near, they shut down their post office at 9:30 on Saturday mornings, though there's no way the mail carrier arrived earlier than that, so I never had a chance. Of course they'll be closed on Sunday, so I can't pick it up then, and Monday is Labor Day, so I'm stuck with this piece of paper telling em all about a package I can't get at until Tuesday.

Exactly how I figured it would go when I remembered Labor Day was coming up, meaning no mail delivery. Which is not to say that my prescience made me any less irritated. I was really wanting to enjoy those comics over my long weekend (which would have been 4 days with or without Labor Day, because of the 10 days on, 4 days off work schedule I have). Vexing, is what it is. Best laid plans, shot to hell by the ack-ack fire of life in the middle of nowhere.

So the post isn't all me griping about stuff, I include the cover from Amazing Spider-Man #283. I mentioned it in the comments of one of Sallyp's posts, so I might as well provide evidence. For the record, it isn't a particularly good issue, and I usually love issues where Spidey fights people completely out of his weight class.

It's so disjointed. At one point, Spidey is fighting Titania, who has overcome her fear of him to protect the Absorbing Man, who took a dive against Spider-Man precisely to provoke that reaction. So there's a panel where they're sort of grappling, Titania's at least holding her own (and really, Spidey is probably trying to figure out how he'll find enough in his tank to beat her), when the Absorbing Man shouts something. The next panel is a full page shot of him lifting a plane over his head, telling Spidey to let her go or else. Somehow, in the span of time it took Crusher to finish his sentence, Spidey's beaten her to the point she's barely conscious and he's holding her up by her hair, which seems kind of un-Spider-Man like, honestly. It's whiplash inducing.

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