Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2010 Comics In Review - Part 5

Last one, and it's the, I guess, obligatory, listing things post!

Favorite Ongoing Series (minimum 6 issues purchased, which really limits the field):
1. Darkwing Duck
2. Secret Six
3. Batgirl

Favorite Mini-Series:
1. Black Cat
2. Avengers vs. Atlas
3. Batman Beyond
4. Avengers and the Infinity Gauntlet
5. Heralds

Favorite One-Shot:
1. Deadpool #1000
2. Nightmaster: Monsters of Rock
3. Thanos Imperative: Ignition

Favorite Trade Paperback (not necessarily released in 2010, but definitely bought in 2010):
1. Atomic Robo Vol. 1 - Atomic Robo and the Fightin; Scientist of Tesladyne
2. Hitman -10,000 Bullets
3. The Rocketeer - The Complete Adventures
4. The Legend of GrimJack, Vol. 1
5. GrimJack - Demon Knight

Favorite Single Issue of Each Ongoing I bought at Least 4 Issues (I lowered the requirement from 6 to 4, because it was going to be a short list otherwise):
Amazing Spider-Man #620
Atlas #5
Batgirl #9
Darkwing Duck #3
Deadpool #22
Guardians of the Galaxy #25
Hawkeye and Mockingbird #4
Nova #33
Power Girl #12
Secret Six #21

Favorite Writer:
1. Jen van Meter
2. Jeff Parker
3. Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
4. Kathryn Immonen
5. Adam Beechen

Favorite Penciler/Artist (minimum 5 issues or 110 pages drawn):
1.Amanda Conner
2. Gabriel Hardman
3. James Silvani
4. David Lopez
Honorable Mentions (like last year, artists whose work I liked, but didn't see much of) - Marcos Martin, Dustin Nguyen, Javier Pulido, Wes Craig.

Alright, no more Year in Review posts! Until next year, assuming I'm still at it come January 2012. Tomorrow, probably a movie discussion, unless I make it through this book I'm reading today.

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