19 years of talking about comics, books, and movies. My gosh.
Bonk - Kingpin's Assassin. How dare you shoot an old lady! Have you no shame! Even Deadpool wouldn't do that! {That's right! Well, I might. How much was Kingpin paying him?}
Bonk - Weasel. You helped the Rhino shrink Wade down with Pym Particles, after all the times that Wade hasn't killed you? What kind of a pal are you? {Aw, it isn't so bad. I still caught the Rhino, and Weeze shared his beer with me.}
Hug - Conrad. Just a commodities banker who pciks up the tab for lame supervillains, and you got your nose broke by the Three Inch High Merc Guy. {Can I get some business cards that say that? Probably not. The Inch High Private Eye's lawyers would sue you.} But maybe next time you'll know better than to go along with peer pressure to pick on someone smaller than you.
Applause - Deadpool. You stopped the Rhino from rampaging by talking to him. Then you caught him. And you finagled yourself free drinks at the Three Strikes Bar for a month, all while miniaturized. Bravo. {Hey thanks, can I have a job? Wade, I told you last week, we'll call you when we've got something for you!}
Bonk - Orson Randall. Bad enough you kill people with the Iron Fist, and make a man give you his clothes. Then you barge into Danny Rand's building and start drinking his liquor. {Who do you think you are, Tony Stark?} And you didn't ask Danny if he wanted a glass, either! {Because Danny punched him as soon as he saw him, ABP. Hey! Don't you criticize the cute little guy's reasons! Premature punching is a tool of the trade!}
Bonk - Brother Davos. Motivation through fear is not really approved of by Panda Management. So being nice and encouraging to the HYDRA folks who work for you could probably garner better results. {Remember, they're HYDRA. By nature their confidence is low due to their frequent losses.}
Applause - Midnight Rider, Acheron, Warlock's Daughter. Blue Devil asked for people willing to charge into Hell, and you three answered. May not be very smart, but you're brave, and helpful, and so that's got to count for something. {Though maybe not against Etrigan. Hmm, I think I can get you some help. ABP, where's that card Deadpool gave you with his contact number?}
Applause - Bagman. You were doing a really good job scrubbing the floors of your prison. Keep it up. {I think ABP's being sarcastic.}
ABP's being kind of a mean-spirited little panda this week. I better fetch some ice cream, and while I do that, howzabout you offer up your picks, and ABP can respond after the mood is lightened a bit?
So I've been trying to figure out this whole "Dazzler resurrection" thing going on in New Excalibur. My initial theory was that since we're dealing with Claremont, and Captain Britain, Dazzler was somehow drawing on the lives of other Dazzlers spread out across the multiverse (or whatever Marvel calls it), kinda like Jet Li in The One. But I couldn't figure out how that worked so I've come up with a new strategy: Dazzler has become like Ray Terrill.
When Ray powers up, he becomes pure energy, immune to physical harm. This is why Lobo was once able to punch clean through Ray's head, with no ill effects for Ray, and why I was amused in Infinite Crisis when Psycho Pirate tried to control Power Girl into beating The Ray to death. I suppose we can forgive the Pirate for that, what with the Eye Gouge of Death he was about to receive from Black Adam.
Clearly that isn't happening with Dazzler, seeing as she does keep getting injured. But there's another aspect to Ray's powers that I think could come into play. Once he took a bullet in the neck while in human form. The bullet was lodged next to his spine, and Ray was terrified to move. So Vandal Savage (who had taken an interest in Ray for some reason I've forgotten) staged an attack on the hospital to force Ray to get up. Lo and behold, when Ray had finished fighting, he found that converting to pure energy had atomized the bullet, and he was fully healed upon reverting to human form.
I guess it could be explained by his converting his matter into energy, and when he reverts back to matter, his state is controlled in some way by his mind. So he reverted back sans bullet hole. But what's that got to do with Dazzler?
Dazzler converts sound into light in any number of ways. Shields, flares, swords, lasers, and Claremont's captions say that she's feeling more comfortable with her powers all the time. So if she's no longer holding back, could she be using her powers subconsciously now? In each case where she's died, it's been in the middle of a fight, lots of noise all around. People shouting, guns, explosions, so on and so forth. Could she being absorbing that sound, and changing it, first into light, and then making that light into solid matter, to repair the physical damage that's been done to her?
Of course, even if I'm right, it raises the question of what would happen if she died in the vacuum of space, or if someone tried to destroy her mind telepathically (almost a sure bet to come up, if what everyone says about Claremont's love of combat in the astral plane is true. I haven't read enough of his work to think it's that prevalent).
Amazing Spider-Girl #5 - Well, May's tug-o-war between her student council run and web-slinging reached a breaking point, and she's decided there can be only one, and it has to be the position where she can do the most good. In the meantime, the Black Tarantula is starting to make his presence felt in the New York underworld, and the Hobgoblin's getting closer to taking an active role in things as well. No suit over the costume this month. I have to say, as much as I enjoy seeing Hobgoblin play at being Kingpin, I'm ready for him to hop on the glider and wreak havoc.
Spider-Girl finds herself in the middle of a firefight between the forces of the wannabes, but she got a little help, so it's all good. To switch gears considerably, the end of the issue contains what I can only conclude is a gift to me, as we see that Gene Thompson is not to be trusted. Also, Ron Frenz' artwork is really reminiscent of John Romita Senior's work, especially his Spider-Girl. She looks considerably different than how Frenz had been drawing her in the past. Smaller eyes on the mask for one thing. Not sure why that is, possibly it's his normal style, he was just rushed before, or maybe it's his inker? All in all, not a bad issue, but not really good either. I need some Hobgoblin blowing stuff up. 3.1 out of 5.
Exiles #91 - Psylocke has history with Sabretooth. Not this Sabretooth, but she doesn't know that, and so they fight. And in the process, likely screwed themselves over concerning Morph (to be determined sometime in the future I'm sure). Psylocke takes a couple pages to explore the Crystal Palace, meets Morph, and finds out what she's doing here. Curiously, she's invisible to Heather's devices, which I assume has something to do with the mojo Jamie Braddock used bringing her back to life. What it has to do with that, I have no idea.
In the meantime, Blink, Longshot, and Spidey of 2099 are having their own difficulties. Hand ninja difficulties. Which makes perfect sense; after all, it requires entire Avengers teams to vanquish Hand ninja, how were the three of them gonna pull it off? I must admit, I was thrown by the identity of the leader of the Hand. I was sure it was Storm, but never mind. So it looks like we'll be seeing three Exiles against three Exiles here in a month or so. Should be interesting. I'm either starting to get accustomed to Claremont's writing again, or he restrained himself this issue. Don't know which but either way, 4 out of 5.
New Excalibur #16 - New artist this month, Scot Eaton. His style has a bit of a Greg Land style, in that sense that his Pete Wisdom looks like someone I've seen on TV, I'm just not sure who. Does action scenes more smoothly than Land I'd say. Less posing, more suggestive of actual movement. Anyway, the issue begins with Excalibur breaking up a hostage situation at a bank. And Dazzler dies... again. And revives... again. I think Claremont has been watching too much Excel Saga (where the main character dies four separate times in the first episode). Still no explanation forthcoming, and there probably won't be for awhile because...
Nocturne had a stroke. Buh-wha? That is what we call "out of left field". The issue from there is the team trying to help her, first by trying to contact Nightcrawler, seeing as he's probably closest to her physiologically, but they're out of luck. Thanks a lot Brubaker. You just had to write your X-Men space epic, didn't you? Anyway, guess we have to wait and see where the next episode goes, but that was really abrupt, and the tension that was present at the end of Tieri's fill-in (with the team uncertain of Juggernaut, and possibly not happy Wisdom told them Marko was staying no matter what) has evaporated. Huh. Ummmmm, 3 out of 5.
Ultimate X-Men #79 - It's the funeral of Charles Xavier! Please pretend to be sad for now, we'll have the party after the kids stop bawling. The loss seems to be breaking up the team. Kitty's out, Colossus is contemplating transferring, Sabretooth shows up to tell Logan to go find his wife, I'm sure Jean is about 3 seconds away from Dark Phoenix time (which really means she's just about normal for her), and so on. There really isn't much more to say, other than Nick Fury is very sure that Xavier's death won't have adverse effects on human-mutant relations, or the 'Legacy Project'. Uh-oh.
Oh, and Magneto's still up to something in the Savage Land. How nice for him. That's pretty much it, other than the confirmation that Xavier has been quite the player in his life. Moira, Emma, Lilandra, Jean. Oops, disregard that last one. 2.1 out of 5.
Applause - David. Poor David. That hawk gave his life, so Roland could become a gunslinger. I mean, Cort just tore the poor bird's wing off, amongst other punishment. {But David went out scrapping, and sometimes, that all you can ask for}.
Applause, Bonk - Roland Deschain, son of Steven {because one shouldn't forget the face of his father}. So yeah Roland, you won your fight, got your guns. Hooray for you. But then you go and get one of those guns shot to bits. You ought to take better care of those weapons than that.
Applause - Mr. Corazon. He told Warbird that if his daughter got hurt doing this hero stuff, she'd have to deal with him. Anya got hurt {Did she ever. It reminded of that time Spawn ripped all of Jason Wynn's skin off. Of course, he really only made Wynn think he did that, but it hurt Wynn like it really happened. And yes, I used to read Spawn. For about 30 issues.} and Carol has to deal with Dad. And he didn't give Carol the easy out of "It wasn't your fault", or "You tried your best". Nope, he's fully ticked off.
Applause, Hugs - Arana. First off, she took care of all those Targoth things, that would otherwise have infected, well, lots of people {it'd be the start of Marvel Zombies Earth!}. And she wasn't doing it because she's an agent of the government or any of that crap, but because it needed to be done and she wanted to help people.
Applause, Hug - Ultimate Mary Jane Watson. The hug is for the traumatic incident that may not be finished yet. The applause is for being the one that opens Nick Fury's eyes to the fact he's an important male role model for Peter, and so maybe he should shape up a little bit. Sure, it doesn't seem to have had any long-term effect, but at least she tried.
Hug - Ultimate Jessica Drew. Don't know where wou'll end up Jess, but best of luck to you wherever it winds up being. Just make sure to stay of Nick Fury's radar.
Bonk - Peter Parker. I know you and MJ had both been through a lot lately, but Peter, you cannot go around kissing girls who aren't your girlfriend! You are not Nightwing! {Thank goodness. Peter doesn't need 75 STDs on top of all his other issues}.
Hug - Kitty Pryde. She got all worked up, trying to help her boyfriend, gets to the scene too late to do anything, can't get Xavier to take Peter's secret identity out of Aunt May's mind {The right call by Chuck, but it didn't help her state of mind}, and she saw the aforementioned kiss. Is this the start of an "Angry Goth" phase for Ultimate Shadowcat? Will it drive her out of the X-Men, or back into the fold? Either way, she needed a hug.