Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What I Bought 6/6/07

Big week this week. Two whole comics. Hoo boy, that's my best haul since, um, give me a sec here, May 16th. Oh well, we'll just have to make do, and make sure not to stumble into too many spoilers as we go, eh?

Warbird #16 - That's actually a pretty nice cover. The more Greg Horn moves away from pin-up covers, the more I can appreciate his skill. I'll have to mention that to Ken, he likes Greg Horn's work. Or was that Greg Land? Maybe it was both. As advertised by the cover, Carol must fight mind-controlled Wonder Man (well, the cover doesn't advertise that he's mind-controlled, but you get my point). Because fighting never solves anything, Carol breaks MODOK's hold on Simon in a way that I'm sure will have absolutely no lasting consequences beyond this issue.

That settled, it's back to the A.I.M. battle royal, with two poor SHIELD agents stuck in the middle. By the time the actual superheroes make it back to the fight it's already over, thanks to SHIELD's technology that simulates telepathic abilities. How does that work? Still, MODOK's escaped, and the DNA bomb's gone too. They did catch the Scientist Supreme, so I suppose it's Wonder Man's turn to compliment her ass. I wonder, how did MODOK manage to have a son?

Couple of other points. On the whole, I enjoy Lopresti's art, though there are times when the fight scenes look awkward, such as page 4, where Carol seems oddly positioned for having just been left crossed. Still, most of the rest of the fights were well done, and there's some nice facial expression throughout, and that's about what I want, so props. The other thing,is that Carol seems to be bantering in a style I'd associate with Buffy. My only issue with that is, if Carol is in her late 20s, early 30s like I figure, she seems a bit old for that style of chatter. Just something about her saying 'All my awesomeness aside'. . . Not a big deal, I guess. 3.7 out of 5.

The Punisher #48 - How odd. This is the 6th issue of the arc, and it didn't conclude. Is Garth Ennis deviating from pattern? It's fine, he can if he wants, it was a nice enough issue, especially considering Frank Castle does nothing. He sits on a bed, says a few words, and spends most of his time looking at Jenny with something approaching compassion. No wonder I was so confused by his expression, who expects Castle to show compassion? Maybe it's respect?

Be that as it may, this issue is focused on the widows dealing with the fallout from the botched hit on Mr. Castle, and the detective who's investigating their involvement in the shootout. He makes a pretty accurate guess as to what the ladies were up to, but he's got to prove it. Shauna Toomey still goes and jumps the gun, and now they've got three different people gunning for them. Based on Budiansky's display of excessive force in this issue, I'm not sure who they should be more scared of, him, Jenny, or the Punisher. It's sad in a way, the widows' revenge scheme started out so well, they seemed so prepared, but now they're falling apart, pointing fingers, overreacting, and doing things in the sloppy manner of most of the people Frank's planted over the years. 4.1 out of 5.


SallyP said...

I see that Carol has taken Hal Jordan's advice to heart. If fighting them doesn't work, kissing them does. Hoohah!

I thought Punisher was pretty good, actually, even though, as you say, he doesn't DO a whole lot except lie around and heal up. Things aren't looking too good for the widows on the other hand.

Anonymous said...

Do you guys know if Ennis' Punisher is going to take on the whole "Dark Captain America" motif too?

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: I think what makes the Punisher work even without much from Frank is that Ennis uses Frank's injuries as a chance to expand on the other characters. Frank's not going anywhere, but that doesn't mean all the other pieces on the board have to sit still.

nothing stops the blob: I don't think we're going to see "Dark Cap" in Ennis' book. He ignored Civil War itself, I'm pretty sure he'll ignore that development as well.