Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Return! Very Briefly.

Hey. Just wanted to let you know that the silence the previous two days was due to lack of electricity here at my current location. Now, the sweet, blessed electricity is back, which means my alarm clock works, so I don't have to force myself to wake up in time for work. I was doing just fine at that, mind you, except that I was waking up about 30 minutes to an hour too early, which really isn't enough time to go back to sleep, you know?

Anyway, I've got a post about a book I read while the power was planned for tomorrow, but I did want to quickly mention, that I've thought some more about my Squirrel Girl post from Saturday, and I think I may have thought of a potential character: Booster Gold. I know, personality-wise, it doesn't work. He doesn't get played for laughs as much as he used to, though there is still an element of humor to his current title. But he is the greatest hero we've never heard of. He runs around saving all of time, and almost nobody has any idea he's doing it. Other than Batman, everyone regards him as the same old Booster Gold.

So it's not perfect, but it seemed worth mentioning. Good night.

1 comment:

SallyP said...

I really do love Booster. Somehow, he manages to do the right thing, almost in spite of himself, and almost always by the seat of his pants.