Sunday, June 14, 2009

There Must Be Some Part That Isn't Weapons Development

About the Atlas Foundation, of Agents of Atlas. We've seen they're quite busy building weapons that don't work to try and cozy up to Norman Osborn, all so they can bring him down, of course. Which is fine, it's an admirable goal, Osborn's crazy and power-hungry, which is probably not a combo that leads to a long run at the top, but can do considerable damage in a short period of time.

However, I was wondering if we'll see signs of more humanitarian projects the Atlas Foundation is involved in. I know Jimmy Woo's experience is as a FBI agent, ferreting out criminals and bringing them to justice, and so he'd naturally focus on that. The Atlas Foundation is composed of dozens, maybe hundreds of different business all across the globe, giving Jimmy a finger in plenty of different pies. Surely a few of those could be work on, I don't know, bio-engineering more water-efficient crops for arid, hungry regions, or cheap, clean, alternative power sources for developing nations. We have seen Namora draining the oil from sunken ships so they can't pollute the ocean, and collecting sunken warships loaded with munitions, and those are positive actions. We don't know what they might have planned for the oil, or the munitions, but it's still useful to get them some place safer. Maybe some other stuff like that?

Granted, Jimmy is trying to keep Atlas looking like an amoral* group as a smoke screen, but there are probably ways to spin those sorts of projects to maintain that veneer. Or, hide their existence from people who Jimmy better off having unaware of them. Like I said, Jimmy has access to lots of companies (assuming he didn't dissolve them when he took over from Golden Claw), maybe he could have the projects broken up amongst different companies, so on the surface it seems to be a bunch of little, unrelated departments, not critical to their respective companies, scattered across the globe. There would only be a few people, really high up, that would be aware of the connections, and would take the disparate parts and put them into the really useful whole.

I know that's not really what the book is about, and most readers probably wouldn't be interested in that stuff. I'm not saying devote a story arc, or even an issue, to those projects**. Just a quick mention in every so often, an underling brings Jimmy (or Bob, perhaps) a status report? I figure Agents of Atlas is about good guys pretending to be bad guys to get the bad guys, and how difficult that can be to accomplish. At the end of the day, Jimmy and Co. are still heroes, and this would be a way for them to help people, besides just beating villains. They'd be improving people's lives long-term, which is not something every super-hero has the capacity to do***, but a super-team with a shadowy, worldwide conglomerate at its fingertips does. It would be another way to show they were making progress in using the Atlas Foundation to improve things. Plus, it would be another way Jimmy would be keeping his word, when he told Golden Claw that he was going to do things differently.

Just a thought.

* I'd say evil, but it's to form a partnership with Osborn, and Norman doesn't see himself as evil, and so might not necessarily see the people he allies himself with as being evil either. They'd simply possess the proper vision.

** Though maybe a quick story about the Agents investigating someone sabotaging one of their nicer projects?

*** Beyond the obvious method of saving a person's life, thus insuring they remain alive, which is a better chance for their long-term prospects than being dead.

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