Monday, August 10, 2009

Wondering About Banshees

Not the X-Men type, in case the prospect of that was getting you excited. Sorry, maybe another day. Jeanette, in Secret Six, now I get she's a Banshee. I'm not totally clear on what that means*, but she's a banshee, I know that.

Now, is she the same on that fights Superman sometimes? Silver Banshee, I think? Or are we looking at two different people, both who gained power in the same way? I'm guessing they're different people. Silver Banshee seems to be sort of a thief, or collector type, and Jeanette doesn't seem interested in those sorts of things. Or maybe she just steals differently**.

The other thing I'm wondering about Jeanette is her history. We learned what happened during her childhood, with the crazy mistress she fed ground-up glass to. We know she loved a crazed warrior guy, though he looked like he predated the time period where she was a child. She's spent time in several prisons, all over the world, and she was beheaded. Now I'm starting to wonder if the beheading came before the prisons (or some of them, at least). Or is it the banshee's memories we're hearing about, not the young girl's? The banshee could have lived in many people over a long period of time, with the only connection being some sort of horrible suffering they endured***.

Or maybe some of the stories are bunk. We only have Jeanette's word they're true anyway. I'm guessing we can accept the story of the decapitation as truth, since she used the pain of it to drop Wonder Woman like a sack of potatoes, but as for the rest, corroborating witnesses are in short supply.

* I think it means she died horribly and her suffering either drew some spirit to her, and it reanimated her, or it replaced her, like a vampire, where the demon replaces the human essence/soul/whatever.

** She owned a casino after all, bilking people out of their cash.

*** Or the connection could be something else. Maybe they all hated mutton, or liked to wear wool socks.

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