Monday, May 09, 2011

One More John Wayne Movie

I should have mentioned earlier that I'm reentering one of those phases where I won't be reviewing comics weekly. Hopefully I can manage every other week, if Jack and I can stay on the same page.

I was at my dad's over the weekend, and the dogs mostly behaved as they do when he and I are both there, though Hooch was less protective of him around me than usual. Unfortunately, he was much more agitated when we'd bring Eddie or Joey out for their walks, which is strange. Charlie I'm used to behaving like that, Hooch not so much.

My dad and I watched the Sea Chase last night, with John Wayne and Lana Turner. I think I'm burned out on John Wayne for awhile. Wayne's second-in-command kills these three stranded fishermen at a relief station that Captain Ehrlich visits for supplies at (he's not supposed to do that, but as the captain of a German freighter at the start of WW2, he wasn't supposed to leave Sydney's harbor, either). The exo wasn't supposed to do that, especially since the fishermen didn't even have a functioning wireless radio, but he's a good Nazi (meaning scumbag) so there you are.

The Royal Navy gets there eventually, finds the dead men, and it's an international incident, the Brits screaming bloody murder, the Germans claiming it's all propaganda, and Ehrlich hasn't a clue for some time (until the reports hit the airwaves). I'm disappointed Commander Napier turned on him so quickly. He's a member of the Royal Navy, but they seem to be old friends. Yet he never considers the possibility his friend didn't do it. Maybe the fishermen were already dead, maybe his crew did it without his knowledge. One ought to have more trust in their friends.


Matthew said...

I, on the other hand, watched The Green Berets. Errr, I suppose as a piece of propaganda it works well, but the ending appears to have had about 5 or 10 minutes lopped off it.

CalvinPitt said...

Matthew: I haven't seen that one, but I generally haven't heard good things.