Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Good Thing It's a Short Month

I didn't expect February solicitations until the end of this week, but I guess everybody bumped them up a week with holidays imminent. So, February! Good news or bad news? Well, it's not looking great. I think a third of the things I wrote down I have no intention of buying, I just wanted to comment on their existence.

Like the new DC mini-series Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham, where Amanda Waller has seized control of Arkham Asylum and is basically letting all the inmates run amok to see who survives. The winners form her next Suicide Squad! DC has turned Waller into Darkseid. If you're weak, you're of no use to her and should die. If you're strong, you serve her until you die. I mean, that's some Apokolips (or Apocalypse, for that matter) shit right there. Sigh, moving on.

Blood Moon Comics re-solicited (for at least the second time) Ice Canyon Monster. Nice try, but I'll believe that when I see (and I still won't buy it even then, it had its chance.) Seemingly random among all the Archie-related stuff, Archie Comics is releasing a Jaguar one-shot. Are they testing the waters to try and bring those characters out again? I don't typically do more than skim over their stuff, so if there's been a Shield or Fly one-shot recently, I missed it.

Lev Gleason - New Friday listed 1903:Manhunt again, which I considered buying when they first solicited it a few years ago. I'm mostly putting here to see if I remember to pick it up this time around. Fairsquare has a GN called Terra Antarctica, by Agustin Graham Nakamura, about two Argentinian detectives who drive to a town in Patagonia and meet a confused man who keeps indicating something about going south. But the solicit says they're going to drive to Antarctica. You, you can't actually drive to Antarctica from South America, to my knowledge.

The cover suggests something like John Carpenter's The Thing, but who knows. Not those detectives, after they drive straight into the ocean!

Marvel's trying a Night Thrasher ongoing, by J Holtham and Nelson Daniel. I was not expecting that, but pickings are slim enough I might try it. Maybe this will trigger a renaissance for the OG New Warriors, he said with very little confidence! DC has a trade for that Spirit World mini-series, which sounded sort of interesting, but Alyssa Wong's writing has not worked for me up to this point.

Viz Media has the first volume of a manga called My Name is Shingo Perfect, which seems to be about a machine in a factory that develops consciousness, with unforeseen consequences. Could be a quiet rumination on the nature of existence, could be a terrifying tale of man's creations outstripping him. Could be a wacky comedy about a robot learning about the horrors of mortgages and poor infrastructure! "Why are these replacement bearings so expensive?" "Your robo-insurance considers them a non-essential and doesn't cover the cost." "But I need them to function!"

Look, I have to amuse myself as best I can.

As far as comics I'm pretty likely to buy it's. . .Fantastic Four 17 (which they put in last month's solicits, but with a February release), second issues of Vengeance of the Moon Knight, Power Pack: Into the Storm and Deer Editor, plus A Haunting on Mars 3. Which is, not a lot.


thekelvingreen said...

Night Thrasher? That's... unexpected. Does he still have the skateboarding gimmick? Pretty much every appearance I've read has completely downplayed that and just made him Black Batman. I'd be tempted to lean into the gimmick as hard as possible.

CalvinPitt said...

At least one of the variant covers solicited (a Marvel '97 variant) had the skateboard, but I don't know if it's still part of his kit.

I'm not positive this is still Dwayne Taylor, since he died in Civil War and got replaced by a brother I didn't know he had for that one New Warriors series where it was all depowered mutants.

thekelvingreen said...

I think he did die, but got better.

CalvinPitt said...

As one does.

I remember Al Ewing (I think) using him in Marvel Comics 1000 for some story about Night Thrasher, Blue Marvel, and the guy in the Eternity Mask that was also in his first Defenders mini-series, but I couldn't remember if they gave his actual name or not.