Monday, November 27, 2023

What I Bought 11/22/2023

Well, alright, holiday's over, for the folks here in the States that celebrate it. Which means back to work for me. Booooooooo. But here's some comics, which work helps me to afford, so it all works out.

Fantastic Four #13, by Ryan North (writer), Iban Coello (artist), Jesus Arbutov (color artist), Joe Caramagna (letterer) - Do you really need me to attempt a jokey comment for this cover?

First things first: In regards to Kelvin's questions after the previous issue, we are not told what the Savage Land of Dino-Earth is like. However, there is an offhand reference to "Moon Girl and Devil Human" made by the Dino-Thing. I'm assuming Moon Girl is a big red intelligent T-Rex, and Devil Human is a tiny, speechless ape. Or maybe Devil Human is King Kong, I don't know.

Anyway, plot stuff. Human-Earth Doom narrates this issue, because there were other portals and he and Dino-Doom have a plan, and they can't let the "heroes" (Doom always puts the word in quotes) interfere. They're going to combine the universes into one twice as large, with twice as much to rule. Which they will do together, equally.

You see where this is going.

Human-Doom trounces the Avengers and Dino-FF because he's got a gizmo that transfers quarks from one universe to a spot on top of another quark in the other universe, creating a powerful release of energy that can't be shielded against or absorbed. And he can precisely direct it, so he could put it inside their skulls, if they force the issue. They don't, but the two Things go after the two Dooms and point out that obviously they're going to betray one another eventually, they just hadn't realized the other Doom came to the same conclusion yet. Cue fight, cue Things rerouting energy, cue universes being pushed apart, cue Dooms being consumed in big explosion.

I like North's Doom. The arrogance, the insistence Stark refer to his as Doctor, not Victor. The sort of casual way he fights. Coello draws Doom as basically standing in one spot and just gesturing to defeat the attackers. He doesn't need to leap around or do anything so lowbrow as dodging. It does throw me when he calls Reed that, rather than "Richards". Granted, it was Dino-Reed, but I don't figure Doom makes much distinction, and "Reed" seems too familiar for someone Doom hates that much.

Uncanny Spider-Man #4, by Si Spurrier (writer), Lee Garbett (artist), Matt Milla (color artist), Joe Caramgna (letterer) - Guys, the giant genocide 'bot is behind you.

Kurt sits back to watch Spidey protect the pizza delivery guy from anti-mutant mobs. Until one of those Stark Sentinels shows up and declares, this guy ain't a mutant, but we're going to take him in for possible mutant sympathizing. Oh, and Spider-Man's a mutant, too. Those pages look very rough. Garbett's line isn't as smooth, the shading is less of a gradation, it just all looks rushed. It gets better in place later in the issue, but overall, the work's not as strong as it was the first two issues.

I saw someone insist that was probably the Vulture's doing, but I can't imagine he's high enough up the ladder to muck with those Sentinels' programming. More likely this is the machine's first step in eliminating other potential threats to their ascendance besides mutants. Now if they'd get around to killing Judas Traveler and MODOK. . .

Mystique tries to fire on the crowd with a bazooka, so Kurt finally gets off his ass and redirects the rocket into the robot. He chases Mystique, leaving Spidey to deal with the pizza guy and the crowd of bigots. Silver Sable has another date with Kurt, where she has little more success than the Bamf in getting Kurt to stop running away from dealing with real problems. But it does convince him to talk to Mystique. . .in another comic that I'm not going to buy, so oh well.

And then Silver goes ahead and catches Kurt (maybe) because that bigot on her payroll is gonna blab to everyone otherwise. So Spurrier's Silver Sable is both unprofessional and incompetent, because that dude is a meathead, but he managed to get a bug on her.

Setting aside the Mystique & Nightcrawler stuff, which will be resolved in that one-shot, I still expect a lot of this stuff to remain unresolved at the conclusion of this mini-series. Will we know who sent the Bamf? Probably not. Will Kurt free the Hounds with his Hopesword? Maybe, but wouldn't bet on it. Will he even kick Vulture's ass? You'd hope he could manage that much. It just feels like there's way too much here to conclude in one issue, unless Spurrier has decided that once Kurt stops running from his problems, he's hyper-efficient at solving them.


thekelvingreen said...

Very pleased with the update on the denizens of Earth-Dinosaur.

CalvinPitt said...

Glad to help. If they'd actually shown us Moon Girl and Devil Human I'd have used that for the panel selection, but alas.