Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday Splash Page #309

"Into the Trapper Keeper Zone," in Limbo #2, by Dan Watters (writer), Caspar Wijngaard (artist/colorist), Jim Campbell (letterer)

reviewed this mini-series 3 years ago, but in brief, an amnesiac private investigator gets hired to protect a nightclub janitor from her Mexican wrestler boss (who is also the city's main drug lord), and finds things much more complicated than he expected.

I don't know they went with an '80s aesthetic for the technology and shades, but Wijngaard colors the main characters in solid, bright colors, making them stand out from all the background fillers who are colored like regular people. There are some nice page layouts when characters travel through otherwordly or metaphysical realms. Characters upside-down, or leaping outside one panel to reach another. Fitting, since this whole thing is a rat running a maze, essentially.

I'm not usually a fan of stories with mortals getting jerked around by higher forces trying to settle a bet, with no way to strike back or defend themselves, but it doesn't become apparent that's woven through the whole thing until over halfway through. The ending leaves open the possibility of the whole thing repeating itself, but there doesn't seem to be much point unless Watters and Wijngaard decided to focus on one of the other characters caught up in the whole thing.

Which probably marks where I stand on the issue the higher forces were arguing about, i.e., the mutability of man.

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