Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Z for Zachariah (2015)

In the aftermath of some sort of radioactive apocalypse, Ann (Margot Robbie) lives alone on her family farm in a valley with an untouched water supply. She finds John (Chiwetel Ejiofor), an engineer suffering from radiation sickness and takes care of him until he recovers. The two then try to navigate their interactions, made more complicated when Caleb (Chris Pine) shows up. Three's a crowd!

With a cast of exactly three people, there's a lot of tension. John is attracted to Ann, though not great at expressing himself. Ejiofor uses a rough, almost hoarse voice, stops and starts a lot. Pine gives Caleb a good ol' boy twang, with the smile to match. Robbie plays Ann as in some ways immature or sheltered. There's a dinner where John and Chris each tell stories of bad times they experienced, while Ann mostly sits and listens. She's been there by herself for over a year, and hasn't had to fight for her life, or last bit of food. 

She's kind, but Robbie gives it a level of insecurity in her posture that makes Ann seem like a people-pleaser. Help people so they'll like you, which probably says something about her upbringing with her pastor father. Ann's very religious, while John is not. Caleb probably isn't, but he was raised that way long enough to fake it, at least. Or maybe he's genuine. It's to the movie's credit I'm not sure about what any of them are really thinking.

John would like to construct a water wheel to generate electricity, so at least the radioactive water fall that nearly killed him could be of some use. The only suitable source of wood is the church Ann's father built. So John withdraws the notion when it makes Ann uncomfortable. Does he do that out of a sense that he owes a debt for her saving his life, or because he's in love with her, or is it really as unimportant as he plays it off as? Just another "project"?

When Caleb encourages them to go for it, what's he driving at? Does he really think electricity's a good idea, or is it some other motive? Why does Ann eventually acquiesce? I suspect she fears she'll drive them both away, and doesn't want to be stuck there alone again, but maybe not.

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