Monday, July 24, 2006

Pursuant To Nothing. . .

Hey, I'm actually blogging from home. No, the cable people didn't actually get here already. Apparently my appointment was for Tuesday, though I'm sure I said Monday. Nope, I fixed it myself, and I'd be real proud, if it weren't an example of me being an idiot. See, when we got the service in the apartment, my roomie and I hooked the modem they provided into a router, because it was the only way to have the four computers in our apartment all connected. But as of now, basically, there's only one computer in use, and given that the router seemed to be the problem, I just unplugged it and hooked directly into the modem. Too bad I didn't think of trying that until today. Sigh.

I don't have too much to say today, but I do want to mention something I noticed in one of the issues of Civil War: Front Line. Dedicated liberal journalist Sally Floyd is talking to Angelica Jones, aka Firestar about the Registration Act. It concludes with Firestar deciding this hero biz is too much crap to deal with and retiring. This brought two thoughts to mind:

One, isn't Firestar a mutant? I know she ran with Emma Frost's Hellions for a time, so I kind of assume she is. I can't remember her being listed in that book that listed all the 198 mutants (now more like 210), but most of that was me skimming and saying "Not Stacy X, not Stacy, who is that, why does Havok get to keep his powers, he's lame.", so I could have missed her.

Mostly I was just surprised she was out and about. The government was "encouraging" all mutants to move to the Xavier Institute, and others are holing up in Mutant Town, where X-Factor can cover them, but she's just moving around as she sees pleases. Maybe being a former Avenger gives her more leeway, or its her reward for actually taking part in Maximum Carnage.

Two, with Firestar feeling forced into retirement, I feel like Nova is doing better than any of his buddies from the original New Warriors. That's pretty sad given his current state involves trying to contain an immense power source, one that is highly prized by Annihilus, who killed his ally like it was nothing and did some damage to Nova before he escaped, and Nova's traveling with a fellow with a penchant for destroying and a mouthy teenager (do they come any other way?).

Oh well, at least Firestar's still alive. I wonder if she and Justice are ever going to actually get hitched. I know they were planning it with they left the Avengers during the Busiek/Perez run, but I can't recall if it actually happened.


Anonymous said...

"I just unplugged it and hooked directly into the modem"

Make sure your computer is running a firewall!

Marc Burkhardt said...

Glad Firestar has hung it up. She's a cool character, but would rather see her not used than, say, blown up while filming a reality show.

(Still miss Namorita ...)

What is Justice up to these days?

CalvinPitt said...

jon h: Yeah, the computer has a firewall. Hopefully it's sufficient, I haven't had any problems so far. That was one of the reasons I was reluctant to take the router out of the equation, I liked having the extra protection.

fortress: Yeah, forced retirement is better than death.

As for Justice, he was in She-Hulk last month, with Rage. I think it was trial having something to do with their former teammates being involved in the Stamford incident, and someone outing their identities to the public.

Randy said...

Sigh. I miss the Busiek/Perez run. Hell, I miss the Austen run. Oh, what the heck, I miss ALL the former runs.
I really like Firestar in the Avengers. She made a really good team member.

Anonymous said...

Firestar and Justice were a no go last the Marvel Romance line said...
BECAUSE MARRIAGE RUINS CHARACTERS. Or something. Now go RSVP for Storm's wedding.

Man, hot weather makes me bitter.

CalvinPitt said...

randy: Yeah, Firestar was pretty cool in the Avengers.

carla: Looking at Marvel's recent track record, I'd say the correct response is "Marriage ruins white characters."

They let Panther and Storm get hitched, same with Luke Cage.

Blasted Marvel.

Anonymous said...

*stands next to Mike Myers* Marvel doesn't care about black weddings.

But to be honest, maybe it's Bendis's good interpersonal skills, but I rather like Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. It wasn;t supposed to happen, it's not 'of the century' and they live humbly.

Why can't Spidey or Firestar have the same?

Spencer Carnage said...

I am personally glad that Firestar gave up. Not only because its completely in line with her character, but because of that awful, awful costume she's been rocking for what too long. Anything other than a yellow body suit with red boots, gloves, and that mask is heresy.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people are thinking that Angelica is dumb for resigning, and lumping it together with how she gave up with her wedding to Vance.

I think it's actually just the opposite.

I think part of her retirement was due to the fact that she actually could see and understand both sides of the Mutant Registration issue:

1) The need to protect one's family by keeping their true identity secret. Her dad was injured once because someone found out the truth.

2) She knows just how powerful some mutants can be (herself included), and understands the fear and need by some to have the mutants registered - to keep track of the ones out there and make sure that, those who are employing those abilities, are doing so for good causes in general or for what the government tells them to do.

Ultimately, she probably knew that, no matter what side she'd end up choosing, she'd be fighting against those that she had once considered as friends. That left her with only one option - retirement, so she wouldn't have to pick a side.