Monday, February 05, 2007

Surveying The Cosmos

Now that Annihilation has come to a close, I thought it might be fun to look at how things stand, and maybe make some predictions for the future of the Marvel Universe.

- As it stands, the Kyln (prison for criminals awaiting execution) has been destroyed. It's unknown how many escaped alive, so there may be hardcore criminals on the loose, or there may not. Either way, new facilities will need to be constructed.

- Aegis and Tenebrous are somewhere, probably ready to resume their plan to end all existence, seeing as Annihilus failed to do it for them. There's a two-part story coming out this month and next dealing with them. Given the powers of those involved, there will be considerable destruction, leading to unrest and anarchy wherever it occurs. {Update, January 13, 2008: Or maybe there won't be unrest and anarchy because they'll be destroyed at the remains of the Kyln}

- Ravenous, as current leader of the Annihilation Wave, presides over an empire that includes the former Skrull Empire, and part of the Kree Empire. Given that the heir to this empire is present, but not ready to rule, it's unlikely that Ravenous can proceed with any campaigns of conquest and destruction. Instead, energy will probably be devoted to rebuilding the forces (fortunately, the Wave is mostly insects, and if they're anything like Earth arthropods, they reproduce like crazy), and to eliminating the limited and disorganized Skrull resistance that is sure to spring up. At least some of that resistance is going to involve Super-Skrull and Praxagora. They hate the Wave too much to stop attacking it. Also, the Firelord will probably be a problem, as he'll be hunting down the Centurions, who have likely rejoined the primary force.

- The Kree appear unified under a universally respected leader in Ronan. Given his distaste for the armistice he signed with Ravenous, it's likely Ronan will quickly set about rebuilding his forces, making sure everyone is on the same page, so as to be able to attack as soon as possible. I just can't see him tolerating Kree worlds in Ravenous' control any longer than he has to.

- Nova's going to set to work being the Nova Corps eventually. I'd suggest keeping Peter around as a logistics expert, and also as someone who seems to have enough contacts he could call in some help for Rich if needed. Could probably count on Gamora and her Furies, Phyla, and maybe Moondragon. Plus, Ronan will probably allow Nova some leeway to pursue fugitives into Kree space.

- I expect the Badoon to do something eventually. They may not be a power on par with what the Kree or Skrulls once were, but they don't control 38% of the Milky Way for nothing. There space has been untouched by the war, so they've gotten to sit back, watch, and learn. I wouldn't be surprised to see them attack at a moment when the Wave and the Kree were occupied with each other. That kind of sneak attack seems to be a Badoon specialty.

- Drax is either looking for Cammi, or trying to decide what to do now that he did was he was designed to do. I wouldn't be surprised if he went in Wave controlled space and started killing bugs, just to keep occupied until the answer presents itself.

- Terrax has probably set himself up as a dictator on some out of the way world, trying to rebuild his self-esteem after being turned into a puppet by Annihilus. Begging Gamora to kill him couldn't have helped either.

- I haven't mentioned the Shi'ar yet, for a couple of reasons. One, those bird-descended cowards couldn't bother to lend a hand, so who gives a crap about them? Two, and more important, Brubaker hasn't finished this story yet (and was that really a good idea, to start your run with a 12 issue arc?), so we don't know exactly how the Shi'ar empire is going to shake out just yet. I think it's highly unlikely that D'Ken is actually back, seeing as Vulcan isn't killing him (then again, Summers are long on talk, short on action, so he may have just wussed out), so Deathbird is probably the real power (my money's on "D'Ken" being that shape-shifter from the Imperial Guard). In that scenario, the Shi'ar are likely to get a lot more aggressive, and could be reasonably expected to attack anyone. Earth, Badoon, Kree, the Annihilation Wave, hard to say.

- One thing I'd like to see: In an attempt to bolster their forces, Ravenous offers sanctuary (or jobs) to any criminal interested. It'd be a bit like Kang offering positions to Earth mercs, criminals, and super-villains (in the Kang War Avengers storyline). Weaken your enemies potential forces, and you can throw these suckers out first, and preserve your best troops. It would be a fairly safe place. It provides safety in numbers from Nova, the Kree are liable to be getting very serious about crime with Ronan in charge, Deathbird is nuts, so who knows what she'd do. Ravenous could attract some powerful, skilled people, who could add a different element to the Wave, beyond just angry, hungry bugs.

Any thoughts, predictions?


Anonymous said...

All I know is that "Annihilation" rocked! It was by far my favorite Marvel event in a very long time, and after stinkers like "House of M," "Spider-Man: The Other" and "Civil War" it looks even stronger. It repositioned the cosmic characters, created change and shook up their previously stagnant world and made it relevant again to the MU as a whole.

A few thoughts:
1. Thanos appearing with Death at the end was so appropriate. I mean, where else would Thanos go? What else could be possibly have to want after all the power he's held?

2. The Silver Surfer belongs back with Galactus, and it's good to see him there. I'm sure Marvel thinks so too in terms of box office parity with the comics.

3. After seeing the New Warriors gratuitiously shat upon in "Civil War," I loved seeing good 'ol Kid Nova leading the charge and kicking Annihilus' ass the way he did. Nova's always been a favorite of mine, but I don't think he should get his own series or anything. He's much better involved in larger stories.

I can't wait to see what's next with these characters. Between "Annihilation" and "Planet Hulk," all the best Marvel stuff is happening off-planet. As for what they're doing on Earth, we can only hope that Mark Millar gets mid-wiped or something and goes back to writing crappy Image titles or cereal boxes or unemployment forms.

Jason D. Jones said...

Hi! I've been reading your blog for a while now, but this is my first post -- Annihilation brings out the fan in me!

I'm very curious to see how Phyla-Vell as the new Quasar will be used, or even if she uses the name 'Quasar'. I have to wonder, with Marvel bringing a live Captain Marvel into the present, who may now find he has one dead son, one cosmic powered daughter (who seems pretty intimate with Moondragon -- wonder what Kree feelings on that are?) and one son who he had with a Skrull princess, what ramifications that'll have?

Come to think of it, isn't the Super-Skrull supposed to be posing as Hulkling to keep the Skrull from attacking earth to reclaim him? I guess with the decimation of the Skrulls, that's not on top of the priority list.

CalvinPitt said...

ignatiusmonkey: Agreed on Thanos. He seems to have gotten what he's desired for most of his existence. I'm curious to see how the Surfer handles his duties. Will he try to stick to uninhabited planets, or has that stopped mattering? As for Nova and his new series, we'll have to see whether it lasts. I'm just glad Marvel's going to keep something going in outer space.

ebony bishop: Yeah, what Phyla does with those quantum bands should be interesting. Given that Quasar's saved the universe a couple of times, which legacy will be harder for her to live up to, Quasar's or her dad's/brother's?

And, I'd agree that the Skrulls probably aren't too worried with Hulkling right now. They should probably be concerned with not going extinct.

Matthew said...

Well, guess which comic I forgot to put in my pull list last week?

That's right, Annihilation. Argh. Looks like I'll be waiting for the trade, so I went ahead and read all of your articles touching upon it anyway. Sounds like it was massively exciting stuff!