Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What I Bought 2/21/07

Me: Civil War (the mini-series) has ended! The reign of terror and pushed back releases is over!
Assembled Masses: Hooray!

Me: Now begins the age of Post Civil War tie-in books! Let a new, even greater age of terror sweep over the land like a tidal wave of baby's tears!

Lone Person Amongst Assembled Masses: Uh, hooray?

I'm just teasing. I really think the creative teams are going to do stuff interesting stuff with the New World Order {Note: New World Order is probably trademarked by WCW, which is now owned by the WWE. I don't have their permission, so don't tell on me or large men may ram their tailbones into my face at high velocity. I wouldn't enjoy that.}. Sure, there'll be some crap. There always is. But we can just ignore it, right?
Oh yeah, and I'm going to talk about the book's I bought, and there might be spoilers. Maybe. If I get too rowdy.
Amazing Spider-Man #538 - This is a pretty interesting issue. On the negative side, JMS spends most of the issue tap-dancing around what's going on in Civil War #7, with prisoners jabbering to Wilson Fisk about what's happening on TV, and people discussing the fallout from the battle, including a death. I'm still not entirely sure who died. I think I know, but I'm not sure they should count. So that got kind of tedious.
On the other hand, the news report that runs after the battle's ended actually sums up things pretty well, and there are some moments where I think JMS could be talking to the fans, such as the part where Congress hopes that both sides of the conflict come together and set aside their differences. The line after this says 'Doubtless this will be easier for some than others', and shows Bill Foster's parents weeping next to his huge grave. Garney drew that scene very well I thought, as well as his frequent close-ups on MJ and Fisk. MJ's concern, and Kingpin's sadistic streak both shine through.
Oh yeah, and someone got shot. I won't say who. Umm, I'm gonna give it a 2.8 out of 5, because reading through it, all the tiptoeing around Civil War #7 really annoyed me, which detracted from my enjoyment of the issue.
Cable/Deadpool #37 - Huh. I thought the cover was just being metaphorical, but that really is pretty representative of what happens. But when the hell did Deadpool shrink the Rhino? The keep referencing it, but I can't recall seeing a single editor's note to explain when. Throw me a bone Marvel Editorial!
So yeah, Wade's tiny, and Rhino's looking for some payback, leading to Wade receiving abuse from a bunch of suckwad villains I've never heard of, leading me to conclude Nicieza must own every Marvel Handbook ever written. Before the ish is over the villains have hopefully learned a valuable lesson about not picking on someone smaller than them, and Wade has received both a needed ego boost and some unsettling news. 3.3 out of 5. It should probably be higher, but there were too many references I didn't get ('I'm Debra Winger'?), and I was driven nuts by the repeated references (but never cited) to Deadpool and Rhino's previous encounter.
But hey, no Cable for the second month in a row! Teach him to star in another title! Assembled Masses: Hooray!
The Immortal Iron Fist #3 - Based on all these cuts scenes from the past (including another one this month) I'd say Danny's been slacking in learning to exploit the Iron Fist. I'd also like to mention that I enjoyed noticing on Page 3 that a British soldier got his face blown off. I think I just liked it as a little detail. Random thought: Do you think the use of other artists for the flashback pages is designed to relieve pressure from Aja? I have no idea if he's a slow artist, but having a few less pages to draw each month can't hurt.
So Danny is attempting to track down the person who used the Iron Fist last issue. Meanwhile, Orson Randall is attempting to track Danny down. And a fellow named Brother Davos wants HYDRA to capture both of them. Actually, "wants" isn't strong enough. "Demands and kills those who fail" would be more apropos. I'm not sure what's up with his ladies transforming into storks(cranes?) though. Especially considering when it happened.
There's a particularly nice sequence on Page 14, a nine panel shot showing Danny dodging SHIELD patrols, and reflecting on the state of America post-Civil War, which leads to a very brief rumination about Misty Knight, government stooge (this is where if Misty didn't deck me, Danny would. Then he'd tell Misty I'm right, which would be great solace when I regained consciousness). Anyway, I just love that Danny's got all these thoughts running through his head, but he can still move so easily through the city.
Lest I forget, Orson Randall accosts a stranger on the street, and asks him to remove his clothes! Yes, I'm removing it from context; now you'll have to buy it to find out why. 4.3 out of 5.
Shadowpact #10 - The Shadowpact is falling apart, but that hasn't stopped Blue Devil from deciding to go to Hell after Etrigan. Nightshade is up and running awfully fast for how hard she got hit. She left a crater in that wall almost as big as the one Nitro put in the school bus, before he somehow got up and... oh forget it.
Jim Rook is still on the verge of death, and Enchantress is having to stay completely awake to keep him going. Here's an idea on how to make him better - take the damn sword out of his chest! I know, there'd be dire consequences or some such nonsense, but could it really make things worse?
At any rate, with the team running short on useful members (sorry Ragman, that counts you out for now), they ask their Oblivion Bar patrons for help. According to Jack, one of the people who agrees to lend a hand has been in the background of scenes for several issues now, and his taking center stage is a typical Willingham maneuver. I guess he's right, I've only been reading the book for three issues, what do I know?
And one of the other good Samaritans is a holdover from Willingham's days on Robin. A critical player in the last actually Robin story arc I liked, no less. Of course, it means the team now has two deathly pale people with no pupils, but what the hell. And hey, Tom Derenick is still drawing the book! Shadowpact has had the same artist for two issues in a row! The world must be ending! 4.5 out of 5. I like this quirky cast I don't know much about, and their magical adventures. Plus while the violence can be severe (just ask Jim Rook), it doesn't feel gratuitous.
So there you have it.


CalvinPitt said...

carla: Thanks for the info on the Deadpool/Rhino conflict. I'll have to go hunting for that.

SallyP said...

Well, I blush to say that I caved into the pressure and bought Civil War #7, after swearing off the whole fershlugginer mess back in #4, and I'm sorry that I did. That's it?

The whole thing hit the ground with a splat and just lay there.

googum said...

Rhino vs. Deadpool? You just made a sale. I'm thinking about picking up that book on a regular basis again, but probably more often when Cable's not around.

And why are you reading this? Get the Deadpool back issues right now! Look for the one with Dazzler on the cover, and thank Gail Simone later.

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: Oh, you bought it? See, I just read a copy in the store. No way was I shelling out greenbacks on that.

googum: The worst part is that i probably could have those issues. There was a good chunk of Deadpools available that day last fall Ken had the 25 cent sale, and I figured I'd get them Friday. By then they were gone.

Jason D. Jones said...

Oh, come on! Civil War may not have been brilliant, but I would buy a poster of Hercules smashing Clor with his own hammer! (Okay, I didn't buy it either, but I liked that page)

And my only complaint about Iron Fist, my favourite comic book character ever, is, why is he now wearing a green and yellow version of Daredevil's costume> Is he ashamed of his tattoo? Or does he subconsciously know the big villain is Davos, the guy who stole his tattoo and power before?

Anonymous said...

i was feeling civil war....i think the scene where cap realizes stuff should have been more seeems like we built up to this fight then pow he looks around and then its done in like a few would have had more impact if more panels were tossed maybe a page of panels with hurt civilians....i undersatand they had to cram alot due to it bein the last issue...but it just seemed to end to soon....but i liked it..i liked how marvel is in a new place.i liked it more than the ending to secret wars 2 hahahahah but i felt it was an intriging story sure cap is ronin now ...but im intrested to see how cap handels this...does he became someone else nomad or the captian...that to me was kinda weak we have had the "cap doubts his role in america" story but i think if the can handel it well it will be cool.


CalvinPitt said...

ebony: I think the reason iron Fist's shifted his costume is due to the injuries he received in #1. His normal attire would expose all the bandages, and enemies would know where to strike. This way they're hidden.

gabesummers: no doubt, if Millar had spent a little more time on Cap's realization people were scared of him, it would have worked better. And I agree that Marvel is different now.

I'm not sure how much I like "New Marvel", but Civil war set out to shift the board, and they did it.