Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cats And Headbutts

Keeping this short and simple today.

Power Girl has a cat, of which she is very fond*. So, do you think she likes cats in general, or just her cat in particular? Because there are folks who like their cat/dog/iguana, but don't care one whit about other people's cat/dog/iguana.

Not related to the query above, but just for the record, I like that Power Girl often responds to problems by headbutting them. Not always, because, hey, headbutting can't solve every problem**. But she did use heat vision to propel her head backwards and smack Ultra-Humanite in the face with the back of her skull, and she headbutted the big green monster right in the nose, so that's two, at least. There's something short and direct about it that I think is cool. Plus, if you're nearly invulnerable, why not headbutt less resilient opponents?

* I assume that, or else why would she keep it? Unless she keeps it solely as a Guy Gardner deterrent, which would be useful.

** Though if you unleash the headbutt early enough, maybe it can solve the problem, by preventing it from reaching the point where headbutting wouldn't be useful.


Matthew said...

Hey, it works for Invincible.

CalvinPitt said...

Matthew: I'm glad to hear it. Comics need characters who like to use headbutts to keep the tradition alive. Just like how baseball needs at least one knuckleball pitcher in the majors to keep that alive.

Jason said...

How is the new(ish) Power Girl series? I've never been a big fan, but Palmiotti & Conner's Supergirl strip in Wednesday Comics is fantastic. Think I may have to pick up the first few issues.

SallyP said...

Guy Gardner deterrent? If it weren't for Guy, she wouldn't even HAVE her mangy old cat!

CalvinPitt said...

jason: I think it's pretty good. I'd say it's your typical superhero book, with the hero trying to juggle superheroing and their regular job, which in Power Girl's case means running a company that specializes in advanced science stuff (which should provide some story fodder) and interacting with her employees. The first three issues were so-so, but #4 was a very good "day in the life" issue

I'd imagine it's very different in tone from the Supergirl strip, though I haven't read that to compare.

sallyp: Hey, it may be mangy (in which case she might want to get it to a vet), but it is not old! Unless it is, which it could be, as I don't know how time works in DC, with its Crises and Zero Hours and whatnot.

SallyP said...

Well, the cat showed up in the old JLI days, when it was getting into the trashcans behind the embassy. It snuck into the building, and scared Fire so much, she accidentally set fire to her room, so Guy wrestled with it (and lost) and then teleported it to the European embassy, where Peej promptly fell in love with it. So it's been around for a while.