Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's DC, So It Could Happen

In Power Girl #4, while she and Terra are at the movies, this one fellow comes up and tries to hit on Power Girl, and that doesn't go terribly well for him Below is the scene (I yanked that from the Comics Should Be Good post Brian Cronin did about this scene).

So apparently those four guys are from that show the Big Bang Theory, which I did not realize when I read the book. I'm aware of the existence of the show, but that's mostly because the announcers for football games on CBS usually have to plug that week's episode at some point during the game. So that was lost on me, but at least the scene works fine anyway. Who is being foolhardy enough to try and smooth talk Power Girl is irrelevant; it's that they tried and the fallout that counts.

However, my first thought when I saw that guy was that he was one of the Beatles, somehow still in the flower of youth. I was thinking maybe George Harrison or Paul McCartney. Of course, he's not speaking in any sort of comic shorthand for British. No "luvs", "bloody hells", or "what's all this then?", but maybe he's just trying to blend in. And certainly the three guys behind him aren't the other Beatles, but I wasn't sure they were with him. They could have been random other moviegoers trying to reach their seats, only to be blocked by Lothario here.

The thing is, since this is the DC Universe, I couldn't rule it out as a possibility, you know? Someone could have accidentally (or purposefully) brought one of the Beatles decades into the future. Booster Gold does have access to a time machine, and he's the guy who wanted to travel to the '50s so he could hit a jukebox like the Fonz, so I could see him bringing a Beatle along for the ride. Or it could be a dastardly plot by some music themed villain (I can't think of any off the top of my head), to alter the course of music forever!

That's not how it turned out, though.


SallyP said...

Heh. I don't know about the Beatles, or who else these guys are supposed to be, but I practically CHEERED at this scene.

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: I like how calm she is about it. She doesn't get visibly angry, she just stands up and lays down the law, matter of factly.