I can trace how I thought of this question.
I was mapping out the brief Cassandra Cain/Superboy relationship in my head for a potential blog post. I reached Batgirl #41 where Batgirl hops on the roof of a train and rides out to Smallville to visit Conner at the Kent farm*.
She surprises Conner in his room, causing him to shriek. Martha Kent comes up to investigate, and Superboy plays it off as just a dream. A dream about being surprised in his room by a cute, leather-clad girl. Martha becomes flustered and tells him that's the sort of thing he ought to discuss with Pa Kent.
A part of me thought "Well he probably can't discuss it with Clark, that big old goofy farm boy**." Then I thought, well perhaps he could discuss that with Lois. She's worldly, which brings me to tonight's question. What is Lois' relationship with Conner? I gather that Superman regards him as, if not a son, a nephew he's been given responsibility for guiding. The Kents seem to like Conner well enough, though I remember Pa was leery of Conner after the whole mess about Superboy being half Lex Luthor DNA came out***.
Still, I think they both care about him, and try to raise him as best they can. I don't know about Lois, though. I could see her not trusting him because of Lex having had a hand in his creation, worrying that Lex will use Conner to destroy Clark. I could also see her appreciating Conner's brashness, if being a bit irritated with his tendency to not think things through. It has to be a bit strange, since Conner is an offspring of Clark's, in a sense, but one who showed up already partly grown-up. Lois could be used to such things, given what she involves herself in.
* In an earlier run-in, Conner had told her that was where she could find him. When she tells him that's how she found him, he admits he has trouble with the secret identity bit.
** I may not be giving Clark enough credit, but I see him having trouble discussing romance with Conner. Reproduction he could handle. He grew up on a farm, after all.
*** Plus, Lex taking control of Conner and sending him after the Titans and Outsiders.
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