Sunday, July 08, 2012

Bur Notice 2.12 - Seek and Destroy

Plot: The hunt for Derek Poole has lead Michael and Fiona to call upon the services of Seymour, the gun runner from 2.7 (Rough Seas). Not something either of them are happy about, but it's still their best step. Unfortunately, this means actually being in close quarters with Seymour, who can't stop trying to play love doctor and get those two crazy kids back together.

Yes, the post-near death experience sex has not magically brought them back together, as neither one of them seems to be clear on what they want at the moment. Sam has some opinions on the subject, though he's at least smart enough not to voice them around Fiona.

In the meantime, Michael needs to raise some cash so he doesn't owe Seymour money. Which leads him to take a job for Chandler, and art dealer who has someone bugging his phone and going through his files. That someone turns out to be his secretary, whose father was a painter Chandler worked with, then killed. He has her father's last painting, and she wants to find it before he can sell it. Which means it's time to crank up the paranoia.

The Players: Seymour (Arms Dealer), Chandler (The Client), Bianca (The Bomber's Girlfriend), Orr ("Security Consultant"), Derek Poole (Bomber for Hire)

Quote of the Episode: Michael - 'Melanie, whatever you're up to, it's not worth stabbing me with a letter opener.'

Does Fiona blow anything up? I'll assume it was her who destroyed Chandler's car.

Sam Axe Drink Count: 8 (39 overall). Geez, Sam needed more to do in this episode.

Sam Getting Hit Count: 0 (11 overall). He also missed out on beating up Orr, though.

Michael Fake Laugh Count 0 (7 overall).

Other: Michael's identity this week is "Miles Parker". Funny he needed a fake i.d. for a legitimate job, since he can't offer any references.

Orr was played by M.C. Gainey, who played John Bly gang member Big Smith on Brisco County Jr.

I do like that Fi and Michael haven't magically gotten back together. Just last episode, Michael was hinting the cover identity he met Fi under was simply a fabrication, and the person she loved may not even exist. Which was a load of bull, but it's still probably playing in her mind. Plus, she's been through this with him enough to be wary, and it isn't as if Michael's been free with his feelings on the matter. All that being said, I did enjoy Seymour's attempts to play matchmaker. It kinds of cute how much he envies them. I mean, I'm sure he likes his big house filled with attractive women, but he clearly wants to be an action hero like he sees them as. Which is why he tries to hard to help and be part of the crew, hoping they'll let him in. Saly, not going to happen. He's a little too much of a space cadet, though the bit with the blowtorch was hilarious.

Past that, I like that Michael was already sort of playing a role while he was working for Chandler, and so he simply rolled with it when he started working against him. It's not like a lot of his jobs, where he's trying to undermine the guy from the beginning, while appearing helpful. He fully intended to help the guy at first, then found out he was a murderer, and here we are. This is also another entry in the Season 2 trend of bad guys cleaning up their own messes. We're up to 6, possibly 8 if you count Raul turning evidence to save his own life in 2.2, and Felix fleeing Miami before Tony Soto gets him in 2.11.

Anyway, Michael's found his bomber and had him shipped to Suriname. Now it's a matter of finding them man who payed him through a secret Cayman account.

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