Saturday, July 14, 2012

How Could You Depict That?

One of the things that's been enjoyable about the current run of Daredevil has been the emphasis on how Matt's senses shape how he perceives the world. The radar sense, the hearing, the lack of eyesight. It presents a different picture to him than most would get. Which makes me curious as to how they'll depict things for the upcoming issue.

All his senses are shut down (or blocked). He's completely dead to the outside world. So how do you go about showing that, while still giving the reader a clue what's happening? Besides doing the story entirely from other characters' points of view, obviously.

Do you focus on what's happening inside Matt's mind? Does he struggle to perceive anything, and make things up to fill in the void? Or do they concentrate on what that kind of sensory deprivation does to his mind? Switch back and forth between what the Latverians are doing to him outside and the gradual disintegration of his sanity from not knowing inside.

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