Now I want to Bonk the Kingpin, but I'm not sure he could handle that right now, so I'm just gonna point and laugh at him instead. {I like that. Seeing a little panda laughing at him will totally blow Fisk's mind.} And I'm going to Bonk the Kree, because they seem so unreasonable. {How so?} Well, look at why the people getting ready to work with Starlord got locked up. Bug just wanted some love, Captain Universe was trying to protect some civilians, Rocket Raccoon passed an unmarked, restricted place, they don't even say what Mantis and Groot did. {That's the Kree for you. They've always been bossy, self-absorbed jackholes. Not going to change just because the Annihiliation Wave and now the Phalanx kicked their butts halfway across the galaxy.} Bonks to Wolverine! What was he thinking, attacking Deadpool like that?! Wade was trying to be peaceful, at least he was after he finished shooting HYDRA agents. What are you looking around for? {I'm kind of expecting Deadpool to show up and knock me out, seeing as I've got more mini-pizzas in my fridge.} I don't you have to worry about that right now. {Says you. I'm not dropping my guard for an instant.} OK, then you keep being scared. I'm going to hug people.
Hugs for Spider-Man, Mary Jane, and Aunt May. Spidey finally did what he set out to, so maybe a hug will put him in a better mood. Hugs for Irene Merryweather, Domino and Deadpool for losing a good friend, and an extra Hug for Wade because of the Wolverine thing. Oh, hi Wade! {Deadpool? Where? *dives under cover*} Ha ha, I was just kidding! {Not funny.} Hugs for Starlord's team, just because I think they're really gonna need it. Did you know some of my best friends are raccoons? {Really? Do they like large firearms?} Yeah, they usually ride in sidecars attached to polar bears, and they usually get a un attached too. {Really? You that was what Papafred always said, but I've never seen it.} Oh yeah, it's really cool to see them charging across a field. Or they can go in the water since the side cars have flotation devices to make it easier on the bear. {Man, they think of everything.} Raccoons are really smart you know. Not as smart as pandas, but close.
{Soooo, you done?} Yeah, pretty much. I guess I could applaud the other criminals in Kingpin's prison for being smart enough to not get involved in his fight, but they're bad guys, so I really don't want to. {Then I wouldn't. No reason to hand out applause if you don't mean it. Take it from someone who halfheartedly clapped through all sorts of boring school functions back in the day, all it does in make your hands sore, and your ears hurt a little more.}
Can I give Keith Giffen a hug for binging back Rocket Raccoon? I have an unnatural affection for Bill Mantlo's Rocket mini from the 80's (hell, let's give Bill Mantlo a hug, he's a guy who wrote many of my childhood-favorite series and then dealt/deals with a horrible brain injury).
There should definitely be more racoons (and pandas) in comics. So hugs all around.
Offhand, I could say that Sabretooth could use a hug, but...um...that would be getting a Head of myself. Oh, hardy har har.
And on that completely tasteless note, a bonk to Tony Stark.
jason: Sure! Hugs for Mssrs. Giffen and Mantlo!
sallyp: "a Head"? Ugh. Just for that, I may not Bonk Tony Stark.
"a Head". I swear, these people sometimes . . .
BIG hug for the Sentry, massive bonk for Ultron!
Bonk for whoever bought all the Iron Man and Heroes for Hire books at my LCS.
Tentative bonk to Loeb - what was that Wolverine arc all about?
matthew: The Sentry won't freak out about getting hugged and throw ABP in the Sun, will he? Oh, what the heck, ABP'll risk it. Hug for the Sentry then.
As for the Wolverine arc, I think that was Loeb trying to put his definitive stamp on the Wolverine/Sabretooth conflict.
He's doesn't throw EVERYTHING into the Sun, Calvin!
(I make no such guarantees for The Void ... dun dunn DUNN!)
As for Loeb, rumour has it that Sabretooth is basically just getting replaced now. I mean, WHY?
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