AIM is out of control now, everyone fighting everyone else! It's like Civil War, but for AIM! That Scientist Supreme is cool! We need more crazy evil scientist women! Carol is sad and confused! She has doubts! She punches metal! Her hands bleed! Maybe she shouldn't punch metal anymore! We know the first two letters of her boyfriend's name! "Ro"... Robert Wagner! Carol Danvers is dating Robert Wagner in disguise?! But he's like, 75! Carol's no Black Canary! 3.6 out of 5!
Hey what's happening? Slowing down. *looks at can* "Caffeine free"? That's worse than nothing!

*Head hits desk* Whuzzah?
Frank gets to watch the punishment unfold, which has to be new for him. It's much more disturbing than usual, partially because Jenny lacks Frank's businesslike approach, partly because of the nudity, and yeah, partly because I'm not that used to seeing women get brutal like that. I can't think of how to end this review. I think it's a good comic, with the mix of sadness, compassion, and anger it shows. There's more to say, but it's better left for another, more coherent day. 4.3 out of 5.
Spurgle the adorable dawn. . . books don't make baby fish. . . pandas eat bamboo!. . . tomorrow is the hobgoblin's opiate of small calendars. . .
That must have been some vacation!
Yes, Punisher was pretty intense. The liklihood of the Punisher's love interests dying is roughly equivalent to Kyle Rayners.
sallyp: Well actually, the lack of sleep was due to unpleasant circumstances more than a "let's party 'til dawn!" scenario. Really more of a "Why is that dog barking like crazy at 5 a.m.?!" situation.
And I hadn't thought about it, but that's very true about Punisher. To Frank's credit, he does try and avoid relationships, he just can't seem to help himself.
If Brian Reed loves Carol Danvers so much, why is she STILL a complete screwup?
dan coyle: It's tough love?
She does seem to be hampered by a lot of self-doubt, and that seems to hold her back. Maybe she'd do better as an independent operator, rather than a strike team leader, where she could just act, without having to pause to consider tactical deployment?
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