Sunday, December 05, 2010

Is The Doom You Don't See Worse Than The Doom You Do?

In Avengers and the Infinity Gauntlet, what do you think the real Dr. Doom was up to while his robot duplicate was facing Thanos?

The case the robot was kept in said 'In case of global crisis wherein the real Doctor Doom is indisposed, break glass.' That suggests Doom was off exploring other dimensions and/or realities, as Walt Simonson's Fantastic Four run suggested Doom frequently did. However, Doom himself said he created it in the event something happens that's so dire that one Dr. Doom isn't enough.

Which first off, that's quite a bold admission for Doom, that a problem might exist he couldn't handle it alone. Secondly, it suggests the real Dr. Doom didn't have to be off Earth for the robot to be active. Doom said in the first issue that the heroes could either let him join their mission, or he would 'have no choice but to impose my order upon this world to save it. There are not enough super heroes left to stop me and deal with this disaster.'

So I'm thinking that Doom sent his robot duplicate to help the heroes, then went ahead and started taking control over parts of Earth. Quietly, though. The heroes think he's off in space helping them. The only guy on the planet possibly smart enough to recognize Doom's hand in certain outcomes would have been Reed, and he was one of the people lost with Thanos' first strike. As long as Doom doesn't do anything loud or showy, he can making significant gains, undetected. Which leaves him in a better situation after the heroes and his robot set things right.

Except it seems like Doom would have preferred to seek out a power as great as the Infinity Gems himself, leaving the covert conquering to his false self. But I imagine Doom had some failsafe to give him control over the Doombot, in the event it returned with great power, and refused to relinquish it to its master.

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