Friday, April 08, 2011

Quick Trigger Finger, Even For Castle

Anyone find it strange that Frank Castle killed the Puppet Master so quickly in Heroes for Hire this week? It's not a surprise he killed him; this is the Punisher we're talking about. But his insistence that Puppet Master would never talk is a bit odd. Frank gets criminals to spill their guts to him all the time, and those crooks have to realize they're going to die the moment they run out of useful information. Yet they talk anyway. Who's to say Puppet Master wouldn't have done the same, just to keep himself alive until some more folks could show up to protect him from Castle? Everything he'd say could be lies, but the lies might tell them something, and there might be some truth in there as well.

It makes me wonder if Frank wasn't still under someone's control, that being Puppet Master's mysterious boss. Masters had refined and updated his controlling techniques, but that might also make them usable for someone else. Maybe he let his employer in on too many trade secrets?

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