Deadpool does not kill Sabretooth. He does superglue Creed's butt to a motorcyle seat, which is something. And that was after Victor kept Magneto from killing Wade. 'Pool learned quite a bit in this issue. He killed his parents. His daughter is probably a mutant. He's visited Dr. Strange several times for help with his memories, but Strange actually installed mental blocks, and even though Wade made a video of himself for himself, Deadpool had always tried to kill Strange. But not this time. He's decided to focus on the good things in his life and go forward, instead of looking back.
And in issue 12, we see how well that turned out. His daughter from Shiklah still hates him. He thinks Eleanor, his other daughter, is dead (she's not). Preston is a digitized consciousness in holographic form that was gathering dust on a disc in the remains of the DeadCave.
Thank you to Duggan for having Deadpool, when he decides not to kill Sabretooth because he didn't kill Wade's parents, still try to rip him apart with a Mack truck because he did kill Vanessa. I've kept bringing that up for the last two months, so credit where it's due on using that fact well. Boo to Magneto for calling Wade the worst Avenger. Wade was in the middle of avenging someone Sabretooth murdered. That makes him the Best Avenger. Besides, everyone knows Iron Man is the worst Avenger. Nope, not Deathcry or Gilgamesh, Iron Man. That is the official ruling of Reporting on Marvels and Legends, until the next time it's convenient for me to change my mind for comedy purposes.
I'm more interested in the 2099 storyline than I was last time, in part because last time I was really hung up on how the art seemed to be deliberately aping Spider-Man 2099 #1, without being as good as Leonardi's art. I've come to accept that and just read the dang story, and Koblish is a good artist, although there are times he's is putting too much in there and it's hard to decipher what's happening). His emaciated Deadpool is pretty distinct from how I've ever seen Deadpool before. He's still scarred and messed up, but he's mostly frail and hunched in on himself. He's actually a little scared, and showing it, which is unusual. The way he taps his fingers together when asking who sent his rescuer, that's not a normal nervousness from him.
There's one panel in issue 11 that caught my eye, and it's not the one of Wong with an AK-47. It's when Adsit has convinced Wade it is him speaking through Sabretooth - via the power of magic - and Wade tells him to get out of Creed's head. As Wade says it, he has his gun positioned under his own chin, with the finger still on the trigger. Which seemed significant. Deadpool knowing on some level that's the one who actually killed his parents, and aiming his anger in the appropriate direction. Really, Butler would be the most appropriate direction, but Wade already dealt with him.
I think the circumstances of Wade, his family, and his (non-superhero) friends are the parts of this book that I'm enjoying the most. So I'm curious to see what direction Wade's newfound resolve to focus on what he's got and not on what was done to him takes him. I'm not sure I'm going to get that, though.
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