We see the story of Cave and his crew saving Superman sometime in the past. Or a version of the story, since the Whisperer is in Cave's head, trying to destroy him with all his doubts and fears. But the Superman in Cave's memories emerges to help him fight and Cave wakes up. Minus an eye, back on the surface, the Whisperer seemingly having destroyed everything.
Probably my least favorite issue to date. Just not a huge fan of these trips through a character's self-pity, although I was intrigued by the actual memories we caught glimpses of as Cave was being "digested". The one of Cave pointing and yelling at Superman for one. But otherwise, eh, not much there for me. These stories about how much Superman can inspire others are OK, but I've seen others I thought worked better. That one issue of Hitman, obviously, but also an issue of The Ray back in the day. It seemed primarily a way to put Cave out of commission long enough for him to wake up and learn the situation has gone entirely to Hell.
I notice that even in Young Animal line of books, Superman can't get his trunks back as part of his costume. Ah well, maybe in that new, "mature" line DC announced. Dark Matter? I like that panel of the lemur holding the piece of Kryptonite between its teeth. Between its intense look, the swirly lines projecting outward from it for emphasis, and the strange background Oeming and Filardi draw, its a real attention-getter. Kind of a strange choice, but this is also Cave's memories, which are also being warped, so maybe that explains. Also liked the page of Superman rescuing Cave from the Whisperer, the way most of the panels are drawn so we're seeing things from the angle the monster would. So most of it is shadowy tentacles, and Cave's a mostly featureless figure in the background, stumbling around lost and defeated, while Superman tries to protect him until he can pull himself together. And the first panel looks a bit like Superman tore him free of the previous page (the monster's wound resembles a torn page).
Superman gave Cave a chance to bow out, be taken to a place he'd never be hurt again, but opted to re-enter the story. We'll see how that works out for him.

Melissa talks a bunch of shit about how smart she is and how she's going to control everything and how Squirrel Girl is a dope for trying to help people and therefore no threat. Then she uses Pym Particles to shrink down the device she built to help her control animals remotely and has cockroaches install it in her ear. That scene just reminded me of the scene with the ear parasite thing from Wrath of Khan, which I could do without. Doreen's attempt to stop Melissa is thwarted by a combination of bears and a teleporter, and now Melissa is going to attack New York with mosquitos, but blame it on Dr. Doom. Which seems like the sort of thing that might get the good Doctor feeling murderous, but oh well.
Well, North is certainly doing a good job making Melissa a thoroughly unlikeable character we will be excited to see defeated. Heck, I was ready for it last issue, and I still think Doreen should exploit the flaw in Melissa's plan where it requires her thoughts to control the animals, meaning if you punch her hard enough to mess with her brain, she ain't controlling shit. Concuss her like you play on the Pittsburgh Steelers' defense, Doreen! Or fine, any NFL defense. Don't want to offend the no doubt legions of Steelers' fans who read the blog.
The bears in their various get-ups are adorable, although I question making a bear a medical professional. Although with the changes to health care in danger of being enacted, having a bear for a doctor may be the most economically viable option for several people. Unfortunately. And I have to say, even without the glider wings, I like the new costume for Doreen. More than the one she got with the skirt at the start of this volume. Granting that many squirrels do have grey fur, it doesn't seem like a great color for a superhero costume. Oddly, brown doesn't bother me as much on that score, and the blue squirrel head symbol (although it seems awfully pointy for a squirrel, more like a fox) adds a nice bit of color. Overall, the costume is just sleeker. I doubt she'll keep it going forward, having been a poisoned chalice from a villain, but it's a solid design nonetheless.
I don't know how Squirrel Girl is going to stop mosquitoes, unless she learn to talk to bats (and white nose syndrome hasn't devastated their numbers too badly), but I'm excited to find out.
Squirrel Girl is gosh darned exciting! On the other hand, Marvel begging people to hang on and keep buying their gawdawful Hydra Cap, on the off chance that it MIGHT get... better?
Yeah, supposedly Marvel was telling fans and retailers to just be patient, or have faith that everything will be back to normal at the end. Certainly not an act of desperation or anything.
But... if everything is back to normal at the end... then isn't it just a waste of tome and money to read it?
But don't you want to know HOW Steve Rogers will stop being a Nazi (and presumably just feel really guilty about having been a Nazi)? Don't you want to buy a 9-issue mini-series, plus all the ancillary tie-ins and mini-series at 4 bucks an issue?
Yeah, me neither.
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