Thursday, September 28, 2006

Beware, For The Theme Post Emerges

That's right, I have decided that Thursdays will be dedicated to the Adorable Baby Panda telling us what earned a round of applause from his nauseatingly cute furry paws. I think this will help to up the cuteness factor in the comicsblogowhatchamafloogle (currently consisting almost entirely of one cute stuffed bull). How it works is, I hold the comic up for him, and let him read through it, and if he applauds, I mention it, along with any reasons given. Note: The views of the Adorable Baby Panda(ABP) in no way reflect those of Reflecting on Marvels and Legends. So who earned the love this week?

Peter Parker - 1) He wore a jetpack. 2) He decided to turn against Tony Stark. {I argued that Peter should have done that awhile ago, but ABP believes better late than never.}

Tony Stark - ?! Not a typo, remember that last week I mentioned ABP looks for any slim glimmer of hope. This week's glimmer was the odd "BOOM BOOM" noises that put Peter on alert. ABP feels Tony was giving advance warning so Peter could put distance between himself and his loved ones, so they weren't in danger. {I think Tony did it so SHIELD agents can grab them and threaten to shoot them if Peter doesn't surrender.}

Ted Richards - ABP was moveded by the story of Reed's uncle standing up to that drunken thug Joe McCarthy. Besides, he bought young Reed big ice cream cones, and ABP loves those. As for whether it fits in with Reed's previously established history, well you gotta take what you can get with JMS. {Nothing to add, I'm in total agreement with the little furball here.}

Fabian Nicieza - For giving us a reasoned pro-registration argument. ABP is big on fair and balanced.

Deadpool - For starters, ABP finds Deadpool hilarious. Plus Deadpool stuck to what he believed. Even though it looks like Cable cost him his job, 'Pool didn't just shrug and go back to following Shiny-Eye.

Humbug - For saluting Captain America. Respect the Sentinel of Liberty! {I argued Paladin, on the grounds that beating his teammates, and Cap and Luke Cage was pretty awesome, but ABP feels that you can't go around attacking your employer. I countered with Parker, and he said, 'Iron Man tackled him first.' But since the Heroes for Hire are contracted by SHIELD, wasn't Paladin following SHIELD orders? ABP chose to ignore that. It is just a child after all, you know how petulant they can be.}

Zatara - Well, he seems to like Raven, and Eddie likes him. Mostly though, ABP likes that he can make pizza just appear. Maybe he could do that with ice cream? {Sigh. Do I need to go to the grocery store?}

Kid Devil - He's all that's holding the Titans together. He tries real hard, and ABP really wants to fly, so it's jealous of his little wings.

That's it. I didn't show him The Punisher because I'm not subjecting an Adorable Baby Panda to that language, and Ultimate Spider-Man seemed to make him sad. I think it was what happened to Aunt May and Gwen. They say animals can be more perceptive than people...


Marc Burkhardt said...

I love the Adorable Baby Panda! But now Fuzzy and Softy are demanding their own spot on my blog.

What have you wrought?

LEN! said...

Adorable Baby Panda is awesome. I think it's great that someone cares so much about things being fair and balanced. Quite the intuitive creature. Besides, he's adorable for good reason.

Melchior del Darién said...

I certainly hope that Adorable Baby Panda got his ice cream. He deserves all the ice cream he wants.

Bully said...

Hooray for Adorable Baby Panda!

I think ADP, Fuzzy, Softy and I will team up to have amazing superhero adventures.

We shall call ourselves...

The Furfull Four!

CalvinPitt said...

fortress: I have wrought a world of sugar plums and pixies by the sound of it.

len: It's mama taught it about fair and balanced early on.

melchior: Oh, he got ice cream. After he ate his vegetables.

bully: Furfull Four? Adorable Baby Panda is totally up for that.

Suggestion for the first mission: Give Mark Millar a big hug, and brighten his day (and hopefully his writing).

Atticus said...

This might be a bit off topic but heres a nice story that has to do with pandas LOL!

Panda Story