Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Is It A Retcon?

Topic of the day: Venom's origin.

Oh, don't leave.

So I was thinking about this a few days back, and I get to the part (in my mind) where we learn that Eddie Brock's career was supposedly ruined by Spider-Man, and I hit a snag.

See, Eddie tells Spidey that during the Sin-Eater's rampage, he had been conducting interviews with a man claiming to be Sin-Eater, and earning front page headlines at his newspaper (the Globe?). He finally caves to police pressure to help them apprehend the fellow, and all looks well.

Then Spider-Man captures the real Sin-Eater (by nearly beating him to death). Oops, Eddie was getting strung along by a compulsive confessor, but he gets accused of fraud, and his career goes down the tubes. All because of that blasted Spider-Man. Based on that, I'm not real surprised I preferred Venom when his mission became to protect the innocent from Spidey, rather than just to get revenge on Webs.

Here's the thing. In the Death of Jean DeWolff story (which was the Sin-Eater story), we see one person claiming to be Sin-Eater who isn't. He comes to the Daily Bugle to kill Jonah and gets caught instead (Peter takes a page from Daredevil and throws a typewriter ribbon at him).. That's the only false Sin-Eater we ever hear about, and that wasn't a case of the cops being tipped off by Eddie Brock.

So my question is, does that qualify Eddie Brock's motivation as a retcon? I'm just not quite sure I understand the term completely, and if it is, it's probably the earliest moment in my comic reading life involving such a thing.


Anonymous said...

yeahh a non dc post!!!

i always thought the same thing..that spider man ruined eddies carrer and due to that hatred he began lifting wieghts then they symbonite finds him ..i cant recall but i think it was his hatred for spider man that allowed the suit to find him....and they bonded (awwwwwwww..but ewww if you really think about it..i mean he was cover in symboite...thats kinky and gross at the same time..kinda like the luna brothers "girls series" but anywho

i dont read spidey anymore..uhh lets see i stopped around the time eric larson was drawing it..ive read the trades during jms run but havent really followed him ...have the changed the back story??

i know scorpian is the new new venom but eddies story is the same right??

gabe summers

Marc Burkhardt said...

If you're right in your supposition, it IS a minor ret-con because established continuity is rewritten to service a later story.

At least, that's how I define the term.

And although I never thought much of Venom, I liked it better when he was just evil Spider-Man instead of a monstrous good guy.

Deadpool and Catwoman aside, I've never liked it when established villains (or in Wade's case, amoral psychos) are suddenly marketed as good guys.

Off-topic, I likeed how Moonstone breathed a sigh of relief in the latest Thunderbolts after learning that Venom was the former Scorpion rather than Eddie Brock.

Kinda sums up what everybody feels about Venom 2.0.

CalvinPitt said...

gabe: Yeah, brock blames his ruinec areer on Spidey, lifts weights, is found by the symbiote in the church where Parker managed to get it off him.

And it is kind of creepy. I'm still trying to figure out whether Tom DeFalco saying the symbiote was female (in Spider-Girl) makes it more or less creepy.

fortress: Yeah, his switch to good guy pretty much just involved removing Spidey from the list of people he would kill.

Anonymous said...

a "female " suit would explin why of all pepole the suit had to have peter...maybe it was in love with him....it did try to go after him alot after he took it off..and i can see now how the suit was bitter and went to "another man" it kinda makes sence it a weird way.

gabe summers