Thursday, January 04, 2007

What I Bought 1/4/07

Hi. I'm back. The drive back was tiring. Nothing like five hours chugging along in the rain to leave you punching your steering wheel because you missed another freaking green light. Two comics this week, neither one anything special, or really even that good. So let's get moving.

Amazing Spider-Man #537 - Talk, talk, talk. That's the issue in a nutshell. Peter's been spotted, Torch goes looking for Peter to bring him into Cap's squad, and the Kingpin is making preparations to deal with his insect annoyance, because, well, he's the Kingpin. Why he wouldn't just let the government do it, I don't know. I guess Fat Willie's feeling chesty.

Couple of various thoughts. One, how does Peter "call" the Torch in a way the Pro-reg forces wouldn't have tapped? If we say cellphone, then how do we argue that Evil Stark and Evil Reed didn't tap that line some time ago? Why does Fisk's head look like Darkseid, minus color changes? Why did JMS think it was a good idea to spend two whole pages with Captain America quoting Mark Twain? It was excessive. Yawn. 1.6 out of 5.

Ms. Marvel #11 - Carol wants to talk the restaurant owner that made a pass at her two issues ago. That's kind of nice. They hit it off over dinner, which almost certainly doesn't bode well for Carol down the line. Meanwhile, A.I.M. is clearly not pleased with HYDRA's recent resurgence at Marvel, and so we find them poking around on the Doomsday Man, who I remember from the Avengers issue where Justice about killed himself trying to fight with a concussion. Good times.

It is kind of cool to see that the Doomsday Man is two beings, Kerwin Korman, and the machine he's bonded to. And you have to kind of like any plan that involves killing lots of people, especially AIM agents (scientists?). Interestingly, A.I.M. helmets seem to have that same sort of floating HUD screen thing that Iron Man currently has going on. The A.I.M. people apparently don't view the screens naked, which is a plus.

When all's said and done, it's mostly a set-up issue for the next part. I got a bad feeling for Arana though. Little less enjoyable than the last couple issues, so 2.6 out of 5.


Marc Burkhardt said...

Ms. Marvel was pretty ho-hum. It's amazing what a difference a good artist can make ... I wonder if I would have enjoyed the issue more if it had been illustrated by Ringo like the other two?

CalvinPitt said...

fortress: I'm not a huge fan of De La Torre, but I like him alright on this title so far. I think it was just as you said, a ho-hum issue.