Saturday, October 13, 2007

Presented Without Comment

OK, not entirely without comment.

From the pages of Nova #7, a nifty little shot of the Worldmind's records of past Novas, fighting to protect the uncorrupted portion of Richard Rider's mind.

Notice the little blue fellow in the center? You do? Good. Then say hello to Nova Centurion Pika Chu.

What's that? It's Pike Blu? Blu Chu? I can't understand you, you've got your translator set on "Kree", oh forget it.

I don't know what to make of it, so I'm just putting it out here for you, my beloved audience.


Anonymous said...

Brian Denham is NUTS.

CalvinPitt said...

dan coyle: Is this based off personal experience, or an extrapolation from this panel? Either way, I think it's a reasonable explanation.

SallyP said...


CalvinPitt said...

brian denham: I haven't seen the "Warlock as the Enterprise" image, but I know what you're talking about. And as far as reasons go, that's good enough for enough me.