Right! Well, maybe if we start with hugs, it will make people happy, and no one will want to scream or complain. {Yeah. Good luck with that.} You have to believe! Clap if you believe! {What, are we in Peter Pan now? Will I be able to fly soon?} Not with that attitude. {Rats.} Hug for Jamie Madrox, who got blown up, and now has a stupid tattoo to remember his trip by. And a Hug for Layla, because she's stuck in the future. I hope they remember to go get her after Messiah CompleX is over. {Me too. I wonder what the other Jamie's up to, in that other future?} Probably getting shot at, Marvel future's always seem to be bad. I think Gamora needed a Hug, because she was kind of sad at times during this last issue. Nova should have told her why he stopped spending time around her, instead of just trying to stay away from her. {But he figured he was the only one with any serious feelings about the relationship, so she wouldn't care. But as I recall, Rich also bailed on Namorita when she turned blue the first time, so he's got a track record of running when the interpersonal stuff gets too heavy.} Well that's not right.
Bonk for Nova then, for bailing on Namorita and Gamora. {So we're handing out retroactive bonks now?} Well, I'm still Bonking Tony Stark for Sallyp, even though he hasn't always done something that particular week, so yeah, I guess so. {OK then. Just making sure.} Hmm, Bonk for Bishop. I know his future is bad, but I'm not sure what he's going to do if he gets his hand on that baby. {I know, he'll take it into the future, where it'll be treated for exposure to the techno-organic virus that it was probably exposed to from being around Cable, and then it'll return to the present to to kill Cable, and become. . . Cable!} That doesn't make any sense! {We're talking about the X-Men, and time travel. Nothing ever makes sense. Not to me, anyway.}
I am going to Applaud Nova, because he didn't abandon Gamora, and even though he might be dead really soon, he's still trying to finish the mission he gave himself. {Yep, all the best heroes in the Marvel Universe are somewhere other than Earth. As long as you don't count The Seven Cities of Heaven as being on Earth, and if you figure that Deadpool is just weird enough to not actually exist on 616-Earth. Somehow.} You're counting Deadpool as a hero? {Certainly more of one than the Mighty Avengers. He gave his soul, part of it, so T-Ray might live. Truly noble.} I think Layla should get some Applause, because she was clever to steal that grenade, and she knew she had to send Jamie back, even if it left here there alone. {Geez, I really hope they go back and get her soon.}
I always thought Rich deserved a bonk for his poor treatment of Namorita. In fact, the entire Marvel editorial staff deserves a bonk for poor Nita.
Characters created by Bill Everett deserve more respect, dang it!
My only comment on "One..um The Storyline That Shall Not Be Named", I voted with my wallet and I figure that's the only way to actually communicate your displeasure w/ Marvel.
Anyway, Applause to DC for finally releasing The Teen Titans Lost Annual. A Bonk to them for sitting on it for 5 years.
Hug to Layla, cause that girl's in quite a pickle. Applause in general that X-Factor will be back to non-crossover status with the next issue. Yay!
Yes, poor Layla does indeed deserve a hug. I don't know if the X-Men will actually remember to go and get her though, they have a pretty poor track record when it comes to lose ends.
I'm so GLAD to hear that you are bonking Tony Stark. Wait...that didn't come out exactly right!
Um...moving right along...a hug to Guy and Kyle for deciding to go to Oa and start the BAR again! Woohoo!
fortress keeper: I really wish Nita was still around. She and Namora could have awesome mother/daughter adventures! Classic New Warriors/Agents of Atlas team-up!
Guess that might have worked better in the '90s, when the Warriors were the really "new school" to the Agents "old school".
jason: I with you on, That Story. Not buying it seemed the best response.
It is odd DC waited so long to release that Annual, since they've been massively in love with the Silver Age for at least the last 2 or 3 years it seems.
sallyp: Well, i wouldn't put it past the X-Men to forget about Layla, they tend to rush from one crisis to the next, but I'm sure Jamie will be back to get here as soon as he wakes up.
So if "Warriors on Oa" becomes like "Cheers", will that make Kyle Woody Harrelson and Guy Sam Malone, or vice versa? And can Salaak be Mona? These questions must be answered!
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