Monday, May 19, 2008

Awkward Silences Would Abound

I would like to see Cassandra Cain interact with Booster Gold and Blue Beetle. Maybe as part of a larger team-up - the old JLI works with the current Outsiders! Booster time travels, it could happen! - or something to that effect.

I just think it would be funny. Cass isn't as intimidating as Batman (unless you're watching her fight, I imagine), but she's probably uncomfortable to be around. She says very little, preferring to stand there and observe. I can see her being paired up with those two. Batman would do that because he would think Michael and Ted need to be watched over, or he'd tell her to hang back, let them make a bunch of noise and then she can infiltrate the objective during the confusion.

So they're moving along, Batgirl isn't saying anything, and Beetle makes a funny to try and loosen things up. I think she'd understand what he was doing. Cass has spent time around Oracle, Nightwing, Spoiler, and Robin, and they all use humor at times, but none of them use it quite as much as Booster and Beetle seem to, especially when they're around one another (clearly bad influences on one another). So the level of banter those two might get to would probably be odd to her. She wouldn't get the references, so she'd spend a lot of time just looking at them, especially if they're trying to get her involved in the joking, which leads to awkward silences when the attempts fall flat.

Of course, at the end of all of it, maybe she could make some clever remark after Blue & Gold save the day in a less than impressive fashion (because style points aren't important, kids). Maybe we could even have captions through the sequence that shows her trying to come up with something funny to say, (because she can read everybody's moves, and so she sees how it's going to turn out ahead of time). She'd like to fit in a little with these two, or just to get them to relax a little around her. It'd be really great if Batman came in about the time she said it, and it was the sort of line you'd expect from Booster or Beetle, because then you could have a shot of Bats looking pained that they've brought her over to the lighter side, away from his unrelenting grimness. Batman looking aggrieved is always a good thing.

1 comment:

SallyP said...

Having Batman be aggreived because Beetle and Booster managed through their combined powers of AWESOMENESS to corrupt Cassandra would be hilarious.