Friday, June 06, 2008

That's Why They Call Me ABP, I'm Back, I'm Back

So what happened in the dream? {Well, these people were attacking this massive white skyscraper, and they had what appeared to be some of those trolls from Lord of the Rings with them. Or, based on the weird armor they had, it might have been several copies of the Living Monolith, though they weren't making with the energy blasts if that's the case. Too bad too, since whoever was in the skyscraper had what appeared to be the children of Zzzax and Chemo defending them. I was just floating there watching.} Why? {No idea, but then it shifted to Spider-Man and Daredevil trying to deal with Loki, and Spidey somehow outwitting him by donning one of those massive African tribal masks, which lead to some discussion of the masks heroes wear after it was all said and done. And I think I was Spidey.} That's cool; what's it mean? {No idea, though I'm pretty sure the mask stuff was me recalling themes from the Nocenti Daredevil run.}

{So was that neat enough to make up for only two comics?} I guess so, but you shouldn't eat Pringles so close to bedtime, it makes you weird. {Sage advice.} I think Leslie Thompkins needs a Hug after she got shot in Africa. {I thought she got shot in the abdomen?} Ha. Ha. {Sorry, but you made it so easy.} You aren't sorry. {No, not really.} I'm giving Stephanie and her friends Bonks for trespassing, even though it was how they found the little girl's doll, which helped them find the little girl. {You anticipated my objection!} Yeah, you're really predictable. {Well, can Robin and Spoiler get some applause for saving the kid?} A little Applause, they looked sloppy for just fighting guys with guns. {My theory is they have to get used to working together. You have to go back to the beginning of Willingham's run to see them working together, and that was about fifty issues ago.} Well, when they do better, they'll get more applause, not before.

Didn't you have some cake around here? {Uh, I ate it all. Here, have a brownie.} Brownie! Nova needs a Hug, being trapped on a planet that's about to get eaten. {And I'm sure the Worldmind won't stop telling him about how he screwed up, either. That's has to get tedious.} The Silver Surfer gets a Applause for helping, but also a Bonk for attacking Nova first. {Well, he didn't think he could talk with his boss watching.} Why does that matter? The Surfer found Galactus a planet, and he was still making sure no one bothered Galactus, so he was doing. He can take a break to chat with someone if he wants! {I'm not sure Galactus runs a union shop, so the Surfer may not get breaks, though with two Heralds, you'd think he could.}

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