Sunday, January 18, 2009

I Want To Let This Sink In

The Arizona Cardinals are in the Super Bowl.

Fear the Buzzsaw that is the Arizona Cardinals!

Fear them! *shakes fist*


Jason said...

Congrats, I've gotta say that I'm very happy to see them make it.

Not quite so happy to see Fox to out the Cubs' history of futility as a comparison to how long it's been since the Cards have won a title.

SallyP said...

I must say that I'm a bit on the flabberghasted side. I mean...the Cardinals? But I'm sure that all twelve of their fans are very happy.

CalvinPitt said...

jason: Yeah, that Cubs thing seemed unnecessary. How many people were watching that weren't already aware of the level of futility the Cardinals had achieved?

sallyp: Actually, our ranks number 15 these days. We found a couple of brothers in the Falklands that have been fans since '88, and an elderly lady in Vanuatu that's been a fan since '63.

We're going to have a heck of a time getting everyone together for this year's Arizona Cardinals Fan Tea and Puddings Get-Together Garden Party."