Saturday, December 12, 2009

That Would Have To Be Perturbing

This week's Secret Six. While they were all at the club, do you think Bane noticed the exotic dancer wearing a variation of his costume? If so, what do you think his reaction was?

We didn't see any reaction, so we might assume he either didn't notice, or doesn't care, but perhaps they went back inside to keep chatting after they agreed to let Alice join. Maybe he noticed then. Or maybe he saw the lady the first time around, and was able to hide his reaction. That doesn't mean he didn't have one.

I'm thinking he'd be perhaps mildly disappointed in the young lady's profession, and maybe a little annoyed to see his costume in such a place. He broke Batman after all. Doesn't that call for a little respect?

Thinking about it, I really wish Ragdoll had noticed. He surely would have made comments, and those might have garnered a more obvious reaction from Bane.

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