Sunday, December 06, 2009

Why Do Jerks Always Do Such Cool Stuff?

I've watched quite a bit of NCIS over the last few months and I've realized I have the same reaction to Special Agent Gibbs as I do to Batman. I frequently must grudgingly admit that Gibbs said or did something cool/awesome/badass. Yet I'm still irritated by his interpersonal skills, or lack thereof. So I find myself rather pleased when Gibbs has something go against him, or experiences a setback.

With regards to Batman, that might help explain why most of the comics I have with Batman in them are the solo titles of his various proteges, rather than his own titles. In other characters titles, there's a slightly better chance that if he doesn something thoughtless, rude, or bossy, he'll actually be called on it.


Seangreyson said...

The Gibbs/Batman connection works for me too actually. In both NCIS and in Batman comics, I usually prefer the supporting cast of each character to the main one.

SallyP said...

Heh. I love it when Batman does something stupid. Or more realistically, has something stupid happen to him, since he doesn't do stupid things very often.

I also greatly enjoy Agent DiNozzo.
He's just...dreamy.

CalvinPitt said...

seangreyson: My feelings exactly. I like practically all of Batman's little cadre of allies (except Damien, but I don't think we're supposed to like him) more than Bats himself. Ditto with Gibbs and his group.

sallyp: I don't know about dreamy, but I am definitely envious of DiNozzo's hair. It's very nice.