Monday, January 25, 2010

He'd Have Fared Better With A Six-Shooter

I started watching Season 2 of Zorro today. I'm still in the early stages, so Alejandro jasn't learned his son is Zorro yet, and in fact, they've been in Monterey, rather than Los Angeles the entire time.

The bit that made me most excited, outside of Seargent Garcia getting a couple of legitimately nice moments, came in the first episode. Diego and Bernardo have traveled to Monterey on behalf of the people of Los Angeles. A Don Vegundo has proposed everyone in California pool their resources to ensure more regular shipments of supplies to California. Diego's responsible for delivering Los Angeles' 17,000 pesos. Except he's attacked in his hotel room immediately, by bandits demanding exactly 17,000 pesos. Which leads into some investigation by Diego, and Bernardo getting in trouble.

The part I geeked out over was that one of the bandits was none other than Lee van Cleef. "Angel Eyes" from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. He didn't get much dialogue, and he didn't make any return appearances that I saw, but he did get to be the fellow who duels with Zorro in that episode, and he opts to wield both a sword and a knife. It doesn't help much, but it's not a bad idea, if you aren't confident in your sword skills, to have an extra weapon.

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