Friday, March 25, 2011

Pity The Character There To Do Something Conveniently Stupid

I was watching Iron Man earlier this week, the big fight scene at the end specifically. During the portion of the fight on the freeway, what was the guy on the motorcycle thinking? He tried to drive in between two metal men who were duking it out. And for his foolishness, his bike was yoinked right out from under him by Stane and used as a cudgel. At least he was wearing a helmet.

I've never ridden a motorcycle before, so I don't really know much about the experience, so maybe the helmet has terrible peripheral vision. He simply didn't realize what was on either side of him. Still, he ought to have been able to see Tony and Stane while they were ahead of him.

If he really had to get wherever he was going, he could at least have gone around them. There were other lanes. Some people are just like that, though. They want to stay in the passing lane, even if they aren't driving nearly fast enough to justify it.

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