Saturday, April 14, 2007

Thus, The Circle Is Completed

Back when there was an entire Nova Corps, rather than just Nova, the highest ranking members were titled Centurions. They were the ones cruising the universe, dealing with all the major problems, with the flying, and the punching, and occasionally blasting things. Then came the Annihilation Wave, and out went the Nova Corps, that diverse band of space protectors.

Now one of the key components of the Annihlation Wave was that Annihilus recruited a crack team of super-powered beings from throughout his Negative Zone empire. This group was full of beings eager to defend their homeworlds from what they believed to be a dire threat to their continued existence. And so they caused a lot of damage, took many lives, all to protect their homes. Now that war is over (or at least is at an uneasy truce), and some of those super-powered Negative Zone inhabitants have decided to get theirs, selecting planets over which to claim dominion. Except, those wealth-seekers are under attack from other members of the group, who want their organization to still stand for honor, and protecting the innocent.

The name of that little group? Centurions.

Interesting how that works, that one group of super-powered do-gooders gets wiped out, and another, similarly named, is around filling much the same role, though for more personal reasons. Let us genuflect before the magnificence of Keith Giffen's foresight, which rivals even that of the All-Seeing Odin.

Quick thought: Annihilus' Centurions, do you think they're truly "super-powered", in the sense they're unusually powered for their species, or simply "super-powered" in the sense that they have abilities we ordinary humans don't?


SallyP said...

Keith Giffen is indeed, a God among men.

thekelvingreen said...

I'd guess they're super-powered members of their individual species.

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: Now that that's settled, where can I commission a graven idol of Keith Giffen? And can someone rustle up a calf to sacrifice to it?

Say, where did all these dark, ominous clouds come from?

kelvingreen: That does seem like the most likely explanation, or else why wouldn't Annihilus just throw their entire races into the battle? He certainly wouldn't care if they go extinct.