Friday, May 04, 2007

Adorable Baby Panda Controls Intros And Conclusions Now

That's right. It's my post, so I should get to do introductions! I never get to say hello to all the readers out there, and that isn't fair! So, uh, hello. Wow, these introductions are harder than I thought. {You want me to take over?} No! I can do it! You need to buy more comics! {You haven't touched those Simonson Thors I've got.} They're old! And Thor killed Bill Foster, so he's mean! {That was a fake Thor. Simonson writes real Thor. Look, once you finish the post, just give them a look, okay?} Okay, it won't take long, since you will only let me read one of your comics this week. {I told you, no Punisher until you're older.}

Applause - AIM's Scientist Supreme. I know she's evil, but she's smart. And should could have killed Ms. Marvel and the other heroes if she wanted but she didn't. Because it would cause more trouble than it would solve. So she was smart, calm, and in control. And the heroes are still alive so they can save the day! Hooray!

Hug - Ms. Marvel. Calvin says "Warbird" sounds better, but if I call her that, how will she know who I'm talking to, so that she knows I want to give her a hug? {You're an Adorable Baby Panda. I think she'll give you a hug as soon as she sees you, so you don't have to worry too much about that.} She had a bad day. Her boss was mean to her, she and her team got captured, and now it looks like she has to fight her friend. At least she has a nice boyfriend.

Bonk - Wonder Man. I guess it's okay that he got mind-controlled by that MODOK guy. I mean, maybe MODOK is really good at that, or he caught Wonder Man off-guard. {Wonder Man recognized him and was attacking, I don't think element of surprise was a factor.} But I think it was really wrong for him to be happy that the Scientist Supreme was checking him out. He should be trying to escape, or at least trick her into revealing her evil scheme! {But if she was the one doing the checking out, why does she get applause and not a bonk? Double standard!} She's the bad guy! She's supposed to do things like that, because she can, so she does! {Can't argue with that, I suppose.}

Well, that's all Calvin had for me. I'm going to go look at those Thors he was talking about. Maybe they're good. Until then, you should tell me about other people I need to be bonking and hugging. {And applauding. Don't forget the applauding.} I didn't forget! I was just trying to be brief. {Oh. Sorry about that.}


SallyP said...

It sounds to me as though Wonder Man was suffering from "Hal Jordan
Syndrome" It involves easy mind-control, stupidity, and ogling the villainess.

Oh, and HUGS to little Adorable Baby Panda...because hims is just so adorable of course! Oh yes he is!

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: Plus, Hal and Simon have both died, multiple times (if you count all those Parallax-related, "I died, but I traverse time so I don't die" incidents).

thekelvingreen said...

ABP, you've been a bit emo and cynical of late, but check out the Simonson Thors. They will bring light into your adorable baby life.

Matthew said...

As I generally collect my comics on a Sunday, I'm late again!

Dubious applause - Baron Zemo. Zemo, you say?? Well, he did manage to resist the temptation to kill anyone for a whole issue, plus he genuinely seems to want to change.

Warm applause - the completely superfluous cameo by Nextwave in Marvel Zombies/Army of Darkness!

CalvinPitt said...

kelvingreen: ABP has been drinking heavily of the Word of Simonson for the last couple of days now, so we'll see if things improve.

matthew: I have to admit, I'd never really given much of a whup about the Zemos; they felt like Red Skull redux.

But the Baron seemingly planning to turn a corner in his life, try something new? That's pretty interesting.